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  • #1212278


    We wanted to create this thread as a channel to share the fixes that will be included in upcoming updates and known issues that are being worked on.

    Current fixes for upcoming version 6.0.5 are as following ( last update 2024-09-03 ):

    Fixes for released version 6.0.4 are as following:

    • tweak: ?s=xxx is removed except for search page (no more 404 redirect)
    • fixed: image formats like jpg, png, … in pagination links open lightbox instead of page
    • fixed: Wordfence XSS Vulnerabilities reports with wrapper_class and class
    • removed: backwards compatibility 4.8.4. default white sonar effect for ALB icon on hover
    • removed: support for outdated Envato theme updater API < 3.0
    • PHP 8.2 compatibility – fix: Deprecated: Use of “self” in callables
    • Updated: LayerSlider 7.12.2

    Fixes for released version 6.0.3 are as following:

    • tweak: remove “Dismiss” from admin notice 6.0 and 6.0.1
    • tweak: ALB Akkordion adjust js logic to avoid unnecessary updating of toggle titles in DOM
    • added: Threads Social Icon to theme options and ALB Social Buttons
    • fixed: WooCommerce category banner image shows wrong image when no category image is selected
    • fixed: ALB Accordion toggle title does not allow 0
    • fixed: ALB Accordion toggle titles with numbers throw js error
    • accessibility: added aria-label expand/collapse to ALB toggle heading
    • accessibility: added aria-label to HTML heading tags in layout templates (e.g. loop-index.php, loop-page.php, …) and ALB elements
    • accessibility: added aria-label to HTML footer tag in footer.php
    • accessibility: added aria-label to HTML aside tags
    • accessibility: added “Contact Form” as default aria-label text to new added ALB Contact From element – already existing are not touched


    • added: filter ‘avf_aria_label_for_header’ – allows to change the generated aria-label text before output
    • added: filter ‘avf_aria_label_for_footer’ – allows to change the default aria-label text before output
    • added: filter ‘avf_aria_label_for_sidebar’ – allows to change the default aria-label text before output

    Fixes for released version 6.0.2 are as following:

    • Compatibility: WP 6.6 fix for block editor hiding ALB button in header
    • accessibility: use aria-label=false for ALB icons with a link
    • accessibility: added role=”menu” aria-orientation=”vertical” to av-burger-overlay div


    • tweak: ALB Heading added addition class av-font-size-is-xx to container

    Fixes for released version 6.0.1 are as following:

    • performance tweak: remove custom fields query from frontend and allow to limit result set in backend
    • tweak: extended ALB button elements with aria-label from custom title attribute
    • tweak: extended ALB button elements button title attribute option with dynamic content
    • tweak: ALB buttons move option “Button Title Attribute” to “Content” tab below “Icon Visibility”
    • tweak: ALB buttons removed condition for Button Title Attribute in modal popup
    • tweak: display 6.0 backend update message to administrators only
    • tweak: remove query for WP custom fields from frontend for dynamic content feature
    • tweak: extend theme option to show “Custom Layout” menus in WP menus to admins or all users
    • tweak: make Contact Form placeholders inherit body font family
    • fixed: missing default icons in ALB Button Row element in the backend
    • fixed: Shop banner warning “Array to string conversion in ../config-woocommerce/config.php on line 1773”
    • fixed: ALB Accordion title broken when using HTML markup
    • fixed: ALB masonry adds alt attribute to background image container – removed


    • added: theme support ‘avia_builder_add_heading_type_size_class’ – adds option to add additional class to heading for custom styling
    • added: filter ‘avf_layerslider_order_by_select_alb’ – change the order of layersliders in selectbox in canvas of ALB
    • added: filter ‘avf_custom_layout_show_wp_menus’ – allows to filter, which users can see “Custom Layout” menus in WP menus

    Fixes for released version 6.0 are as following:

    • feature: extended options for shop banner location (above or below title/breadcrumb bar) and parallax or scroll
    • feature: added options for responsive shop banner image
    • feature: ALB Accordion added option to show toggle title below content
    • feature: ALB Accordion added option to set slide speed of toggle content for each toggle
    • feature: ALB Accordion added option for an open toggle title
    • feature: Theme options -> Layout Builder -> Custom Page Layout And Dynamic Content
    • feature: Dynamic content support in TinyMCE “ALB Magic Wand Button” dropdown
    • feature: new ALB element “Dynamic Data” (can be used in ALB Table element)
    • feature: new ALB element “Custom Layout”
    • feature: shortcode ‘av_dynamic_el’ – supports output of dynamic data also in non ALB areas
    • feature: added theme option Layout Builder -> Show advanced options -> Activate Your Custom Post Types For ALB
    • feature: CPT support to select default terms when saving post (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing)
    • feature: CPT support to extend CPT Edit Page table with taxonomy column and thumbnail colum (WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Writing)
    • feature: Extended ALB video for portrait videos and better lightbox CSS for portrait, landscape and also for custom ratio videos
    • feature: added Dynamic Content support to various elements – see changelog
    • feature: ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) support with dynamic content for ACF types – see changelog
    • feature: Support for ACF post types and taxonomies
    • feature: Checkbox ACF -> Post Type -> Advanced Configuration -> Enfold Layouts to show Layout Metabox in edit screen
    • tweak: updated the “For Developers: Custom Tab ID” string to “Custom Toggle ID” in ALB Accordion element
    • weak: moved ALB “Page Content” to Layout Element Tab
    • accessibility: ALB tabs added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act
    • accessibility: started adding html markup aria-hidden=”true” tabindex=”-1″ for empty h* tags to several ALB elements
    • accessibility: added aria-label=’…’ to elements where user entered a “Custom Title Attribute” in addition to title=’….’
    • accessibility: ALB accordion added better HTML support for European Accessibility Act
    • fixed: warning undefined-array-key-medium-in-class-popup-templates-responsive-php
    • fixed: CSS for ALB audio player in audio post format
    • fixed: ALB table element delete icon for rows not visible for button rows
    • fixed: Theme option ‘Custom Post Type Screen’ not hidden when theme support ‘avia-custom-elements-cpt-screen’ is not set
    • fixed: CSS for ALB table when empty cells in the pricing table are hidden when “show empty cells” is enabled
    • fixed: Latest News widget might break backend
    • fixed: ALB icon box link title displayed instead of title when link is applied to icon and title
    • Updated: LayerSlider 7.11.1


    • feature: dismissible admin notice boxes with possibility to include custom HTML templates
    • tweak: wrapped functions in ..\config-woocommerce\admin-options.php in function_exits()
    • tweak: redesign of theme options update logic with integration of dismissible admin notice boxes
    • tweak: ALB video add custom css class option and video format to lightbox wrap container .mfp-wrap (based on solution by Guenni007)
    • added: theme support ‘avia_disable_cpt_support’ to disable CPT support feature (does not load class file)
    • added: various filters for custom page layout, dynamic content support, admin notice box – see changelog
    • added: classes ‘avia-video-cookie-allowed’ and ‘avia-video-cookie-not-allowed’ to HTML
    • added: filter ‘avf_alb_magic_wand_button’ – allows to modify tinyMCE menu for ALB magic wand dropdown
    • added: filter ‘avf_force_alb_usage’ – allows to force ALB for a post (see
    • added: filter ‘avf_shortcode_insert_button_backend_disabled’ – allows to enable/disable an ALB shortcode button in backend
    • added: filter ‘avf_cpt_support_post_types’ – allows to remove CPT’s from support by this feature (e.g. like products)
    • added: filter ‘avf_cpt_support_no_table_filters’ – allows to skip adding thumbnail and taxonomy columns to CPT table screens
    • added: filter ‘avf_cpt_wp_settings_writing’ – allows to create a custom output on WP Settings Writing screen
    • added: filter ‘avf_woocommerce_default_banner_image_size’ – change shop banner image size (intended for product category thumbs)
    • added: filter ‘avf_contact_form_datepicker_args’ – change contact form datepicker aguments e.g. like date range
    • added: template taxonomy.php to provide basic support for ACF custom taxonomies (based on taxonomy-portfolio_entries.php)
    • removed: avia_backend_admin_notice()
    • removed: avia_backend_reset_admin_notice()

    Fixes for released version 5.7.1 are as following:

    • tweak: add additional parameters to filter avf_customize_heading_settings for slideshows using class avia_slideshow
    • tweak: allow to add custom Google Maps styles with filter ‘avf_gmap_vars’ (see
    • tweak: ALB Search element add title and aria-label to link buttons
    • tweak: make the Search field required with attribute required to avoid searching with empty term and wrap in HTML “search” tag (works only in latest browser versions early 2024)
    • tweak: improve UI feedback for search form button
    • tweak: added limitation description to theme option when Page as Footer is used
    • fixed: CSS in ALB Iconbox when empty content breaking heading
    • fixed: CSS for ALB gradient color left bottom right top and right bottom to left top
    • fixed: ALB Tab Section custom styles broken when multiple Tab Sections on a page
    • fixed: missing > in HTML p tag in contact.js
    • fixed: CSS background issue on mobile devices with the Header, Footer, Socket, Main, and Alternate background-attachment – set to “scroll” from “fixed”
    • fixed: CSS to show svg in media library list view
    • fixed: ALB columns misplaced parentheses line 2055 in empty()
    • compatibility RankMath: Register ALB Images to RankMath Sitemap
    • accessibility: added aria-label to search fields


    Fixes for released version 5.7 are as following:

    • feature: added file download functionality to ALB button element (see link settings toggle)
    • tweak: refactored function avia_backend_create_file() – better error handling
    • tweak: updated theme options descriptions text Performance/Minified Files
    • tweak: replaced text “Twitter” with “X”
    • fixed: link not working for ALB image when “image hover effect” set to “fade to another image”
    • fixed: CSS in ALB table empty cell in pricing table in last row is visible
    • fixed: ALB Masonry shows posts from non empty category with one empty category and relation AND
    • fixed: datepicker CSS in backend when next/prev button is disabled
    • PHP 8.3 compatibility.: fixed strict data type warning in slideshow_layerslider.php
    • Updated: LayerSlider 7.10.1


    • tweak: refactor dynamic-css.php for better readability
    • tweak: ALB Icon List – added $this->element_atts as parameter to filter ‘avf_customize_heading_settings’
    • BETA Feature: initial support for WP plugin “Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics” – see changelog for more info
    • added: support for js wp.hooks in frontend (dummy wrapper functions to avoid checks for wp.hooks in js if not loaded – see avia-js.js)
    • added: theme support ‘avia_include_cookiebot’ – allows to run our scripts
    • added: filter ‘avf_allow_wp_hooks_dependency’ – allows to add js wp.hooks for frontend – is not by default
    • added: filter ‘avf_file_download_supported_file_types’ – change supported download file types to show in media gallery popup
    • feature: replace fixed color values with var() in dynamic-css.php
    • added: filter ‘avf_dynamic_css_calculated_colors’ – add additional calculated colors to color set array $avia_config[‘backend_colors’][‘color_set’]
    • added: $avia_config[‘backend_colors’][‘color_set_var’] containing var(….) instead of color values
    • added: filter ‘avf_supress_css_theme_variables’ extended to use color values or var(….)
    • added: filter ‘avf_dynamic_css_additional_vars’ – used to add additional var()
    • added: filter ‘avf_dynamic_css_after_vars’ – used to add additional var() in own :root

    Fixes for released version 5.6.12 are as following:

    • fixed: Undefined variable $skipSecond in ../avia-shortcodes/section/section.php

    Fixes for released version 5.6.11 are as following:

    • tweak: changed the order of the List Item Content and List Item Icon in the Icon List element
    • tweak: rename theme option Transparency Logo Options to Transparency Options
    • tweak: improve implemented filter ‘wpseo_sitemap_urlimages’ in ..\config-wordpress-seo\config.php
    • tweak: updated GoogleMapsAPI version to 3.56
    • tweak: clarify web safe font availability
    • fixed: filter ‘avf_tab_subsection_image_size’ does not work
    • fixed: social buttons overflow
    • fixed: Warning: Undefined array key “telegram_link” in ../includes/helper-social-media.php
    • fixed: background issue on mobile devices with section background-attachment – set to “scroll” from “fixed”
    • fixed: fatal error class “aviaFramework\widgets\av_google_maps” not found in class-avia-google-maps
    • fixed: CSS for footer curtain effect which covers burger menu overlay
    • fixed: CSS for Masonry option Image Hover Effect “No effect”
    • compatibility YOAST: improve SEO Image support for ALB and posts


    Fixes for released version 5.6.10 are as following:

    • tweak: CSS improvements linebreak in sort buttons in ALB accordion
    • tweak: fix problem with broken layout after updating plugins due to cached and/or merged theme css files
    • tweak: CSS in ALB image – overlay overflow covering columns on hover
    • tweak: vulnerability fix changed link to https://
    • tweak: added screen reader tag to menu items on the menus screen of mega menu
    • added: ALB contact form option to limit datepicker in future dates only
    • fixed: CET Masonry Load More Button not working when items per page locked
    • fixed: ALB video hide video controls (html5 or self hosted) if selected in option
    • fixed: ALB gallery thumbnails CSS alignment issue on Safari and Firefox on macOS
    • fixed: added CSS rule background-attachment local to ALB gridrow cell to center image in cell
    • fixed: Uncaught TypeError: aviaPostCssManagement::handler_wp_save_post() – removed type check
    • updated: Layerslider 7.9.7 – vulnerability fixes


    • tweak: changed access from protected to public for avia_font_manager::zip_flatten()

    Fixes for released version 5.6.9 are as following:

    • tweak: added support for special character translation plugin v1.1.2 to ALB OSM-Leaflet Map element
    • tweak: improved accepted e-mail links in ALB (also for obfuscate): [mailto:] (Email address hidden if logged out) [?subject=your_subject&body=your_body]
    • tweak: CSS fixes for WooCommerce Cart and Checkout when using blocks
    • tweak: add info message to theme options for inactive special pages to remove info in page list
    • PHP 8.3 compatibility.: added required function argument to get_class()
    • feature: duplicate post link for all post types (also for custom post types)
    • fixed: Image element Zoom on hover animation
    • fixed: ALB in block editor hides sidebar in fullscreen mode
    • fixed: CSS to display svg images in ALB backend (modal popup and canvas) – no frontend support yet
    • fixed: pagination shows page 1 of 0 when selected “all posts” and “pagination” in various ALB elements


    • added: theme support ”avia-no-duplicate-post’ – does not show action links to duplicate posts
    • added: filter ‘avf_ignore_duplicate_post_types’ – add post types that do not need a duplicate action link from Enfold (e.g. WooCommerce Products)
    • added: filter ‘avf_duplicate_post_capability’ – set user capability to allow duplicate link
    • added: filter ‘avf_duplicate_post_new_post_author’ – change post author for new post (defaults to current user)
    • added: filter ‘avf_duplicate_post_new_post_taxonomies’ – change taxonomies to copy to new post
    • added: filter ‘avf_duplicate_post_new_post_meta’ – change post meta to copy to new post
    • added: action ‘avf_duplicate_post_added’ – fired after duplicated post had been added

    Fixes for released version 5.6.8 are as following:

    • fixed: improved CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space
    • updated: Layerslider 7.9.1

    Fixes for released version 5.6.7 are as following:

    • tweak: replaced old Twitter icon with X-Twitter icon
    • tweak: WP media element was loaded on pages with image slideshows
    • tweak: added inputmode=”none” to datepicker in contact forms to hide default mobile keyboard
    • tweak: added support for public and unlisted Vimeo links to lightbox script avia-snippet-lightbox.js
    • tweak: ALB in Block editor when in fullscreen mode hides sidebar and uses full screen (same as in classic editor)
    • added: TikTok and Square-X-Twitter icons and social links
    • fixed: added timeout to curl request when loading svg image for inline
    • fixed: CSS for broken caption alignment in ALB slideshow featured image in ALB Tab Section and not streched layout
    • fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning – Creation of dynamic property Avia_Gutenberg_Dynamic_Styles::$typos is deprecated
    • fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning – Creation of dynamic property JSqueeze::$local_tree, JSqueeze::$used_tree is deprecated
    • fixed: PHP 8.2.4 warning – Creation of dynamic property avia_slideshow::$service is deprecated
    • fixed: font hover color of Menu Links in overlay/slide out
    • fixed: Loading=”lazy” attribute missing for some ALB elements
    • fixed: CSS for chrome bug accordion toggles do not close properly and leave white space
    • accessibility: added missing role=”menu” and role=’menuitem’ to ALB element ‘Fullwidth Sub Menu’
    • accessibility: added tabindex=’-1′ to scroll to top button
    • security: added shortcode “av_email_spam” to tinyMCE magic wand button to obfuscate E-Mail links
    • YOAST compatibility: fixed fatal error on Yoast Sitemap.xml when called with custom or special page like 404, ….


    • removed: usage of charmap-compat.php
    • removed: line in dotlottie-player.js to avoid console warnings


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Günter.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Günter.
    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Günter.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Günter.
    • This topic was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Günter.
    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by Günter.
    • This topic was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Günter.
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