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  • #1211044

    Hi there

    I need the TITLE tag on .logo in the header, the following snippet has worked out the last two years, but somehow and with the newest version not any more. Do you have any ideas how to put the TITLE tag to the Main Logo? ALT tag is showing, but not TITLE tag, which is “empty”.

    function custom_logo_attriubtes(){
    $(‘.logo img’).attr({ title:”Steimer Production AG”, alt:”Logo Steimer Production AG” });
    $(‘.logo img.alternate’).attr({ title:”Steimer Production AG”, alt:”Logo Steimer Production AG” });
    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘custom_logo_attriubtes’);


    see discussion here:

    there was a fix from ismael i think – but i hope the next update will fix that. And i guess we are a few days before release.

    the logo itself you can influence via filter – but the alternate logo ( used for transparency ) has no such filter.

    function avf_change_logo_alt($alt) {
       $alt = "Logo Steimer Production AG";
       return $alt;     
    add_filter('avf_logo_alt', 'avf_change_logo_alt');
    function avf_change_logo_title($title) {
       $title = "Steimer Production AG";
       return $title;     
    add_filter('avf_logo_title', 'avf_change_logo_title');

    Ah sorry – that with the title will not work – i had changed my functions-set-avia-frontend.php to have that extra filter
    on line 564 you see that avf_logo_alt Filter – i inserted an analogon with title.

    i replaced the line 566:

    $title			= '';


    $title			= apply_filters( 'avf_logo_title', get_the_title( $logo_id ) );



    Hi Stephan Webgecko ,

    Did you get it working with Guenni007’s help or do you need more help?

    Best regards,


    No – it is not solved at the end. Just for title if he will hard-code the parent theme ( Don’t know why the filter avf_logo_title is missing – that would be nice to have on default ) – and the alternate logo is not solved yet.
    But i hope that it will be solved on the update comming soon. See here:


    Would be great to get ALT and TITLE tag with the logo IMAGE as default with a future release without PHP snippet


    Hi Stephan Webgecko,

    The issue is closed and will be in the next release, but we do not have an ETA at the moment.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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