Hi guys,
Enfold is a great theme, with lots of options. However, I believe it could be easier to use if some of the Avia Layout Builder elements were merged, reducing the number of items in the builder toolbar. For example:
* Merge Button, Fullwidth Button, and Button Row
* Merge Icon List, Icon Grid, and Icon Box
* Merge Blog Posts, Magazein, Portfolio Grid, Masonry
* Merge Easy Slider, Fullwidth Easy Slider, Fullscreen Slider, Featured Image Slider, Accordion Slider
I would imagine opening one such element would first give an option to choose which type (or ask some other key question) when then changes the fields available. For example, with buttons, the modal dialog could allow us to add one or more buttons just like we can do now with the “Button Row” element, and then a simple checkbox for “Make full-width” would be visible only if there’s just a single button. No need for three elements there.
Another example would be for the slider elements. Just allow us to choose whether we’ll manually create them or pull them from a taxonomy/post type, and then choose the design style. The relevant options for the selected design style then appear, including whether to make the element full width/full screen/neither.
Hey Grant,
Thanks for sharing the ideas.
I opened a feature request in our dev repo on github.
Follow the changelog and https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-upcoming-fixes/.
Best regards,