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  • #1164223

    Hello. Please, three requests for mobile browsing.

    1. In the desktop version, scrolling the page activates the effect that narrows the entire navigation header, with the logo: would it be possible to have the same effect also on the mobile version?
    For example, on smartphones, keep the logo and icon for the burger menu always present, but by scrolling the page, having the same effect on desktop reduces the size of the header, reducing the logo and icon of the burger menu, to keep them always present even in the mobile version.

    2. Using the sticky header effect for the mobile version, could you tell me how to use a different logo than the one used for the desktop version?

    3. Can I delete the initial container with the phone number information on my smartphone?

    Thanks a lot for your support. Best regards. Bruno

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Bruno. Reason: I updated the text information

    Hey Bruno,

    1- Please refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/header/#sticky-header-on-mobile
    2- Please refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/logo/#use-a-different-logo-on-mobile
    3- Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header_meta {
        display: none;

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot Yigit. I have finally completed the restyling and would like to put the site online tomorrow or later.

    I did the restyling working on “my” server other than the final server, which hosts the online site.

    Everything is perfect on “my” server: browsing on smartphones is scrollable, without sticky headers


    but the problem occurs on the final site


    I can’t remember how not to have sticky headers on smartphones, I’m looking for but can’t find the solution. Would you be kind enough to remind me how to set up not to have sticky headers on smartphones? To have navigation on smartphone scrollable. Sorry, but I don’t understand what I am missing. I will continue to search, if I solve I will update you immediately. But if you had the solution, please let me know, I’m going crazy. Thanks


    I guess it’s nonsense but I can’t solve: how do I disable sticky header on smartphone? At the moment the index page is a coming soon page. But I have to put the new site online between Saturday and Sunday and I’m going crazy about this problem: where do I find how to configure no sticky heder on smartphone? Sorry if I insist, it is very important. Thanks for your patience


    For the moment I have solved your solution

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #main {
    /* Margin top value should be equal to header height*/
    margin-top: 150px;
    .responsive #top #wrap_all #header {
    position: fixed;

    but only for the moment: I have to manage not to have sticky headers on smartphones, I was successful on the previous site


    but I can’t find the site that will have to go online as soon as possible after solving this problem. The Css are the same and everything else seems to me too, I did a lot of checks, I don’t understand what I forgot or I don’t see in the Enfold panel, I can’t, it remains sticky header, the top smartphone on the site that I have to put online it stays fixed and I’m going crazy


    for the moment there is a landing page


    but I have to solve and have on the smartphone the scrollable top together with the rest, not fixed, no sticky header on smartphone. Thanks for your patience, I’m going crazy. Best regards. Bruno


    I compared everything, it looks the same. I deleted all the css, nothing changes. I don’t have to have sticky headers on smartphones, the top must scroll with the rest.

    Here it is right

    Here it is wrong

    I am going crazy. I switch off. I hope for your support. Best wishes. Bruno


    I have been looking for a solution for hours but nothing. On the forum I have read several times that by default Enfold on Smartphone does not have sticky headers, but I do not manage to disable it !!! The new site has been done in several months and I can’t remember how to disable stickyheaders on smartphones. I also tried to delete all the css but on the smartphone the top bar with the logo and burger menu always remains fixed. But there must be nothing fixed, there must be no sticky header, the top bar must not be fixed and I’m going crazy because I don’t remember and I can’t find how to disable sticky header on smartphone. I have to put the new site online, I need to solve this problem and another one that I am working on. Could you please help me? How can I remove Sticky header, how can I have the top bar on a smartphone that is not fixed but scrollable together with the rest?

    The site is final, which I have to put online, it is


    I ask you the courtesy to support me, I am at online commissioning. Thank you so much. Bruno


    I also deleted all CSS and disabled from the panel


    but on smartphones it continues to remain sticky header and it’s a problem: I can’t understand how to unlock it to make it not fixed but scrollable. I was successful, I can’t do it anymore, I’m really going crazy. I need your support, please help me solve this strange anomaly. Thank you so much. Bruno


    Any information to solve this problem? How can I not have the sticky header fixed on a smartphone. There must be no sticky header on the smartphone, everything must move, nothing fixed on the smartphone, no sticky header on the smartphone


    please, i need your support. Thank you so much



    Please remove following custom CSS code from Style.css file of your child theme

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #header, .responsive #top #wrap_all #header {
            position: fixed !important;
    	 .html_header_top.html_header_topbar_active.html_header_sticky.html_large #top #main {
        padding-top: 50% !important;

    Please review your website :)

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Yigit.

    Believe me, I was desperate, at the beginning I had not used that css, I had added it just to activate stickyheader: topbar continued to remain fixed and I couldn’t unlock it, after several tests I added the css for sticky header to remedy the problem and make it sticky resizable header, would have been the alternative solution, as found in several tickets in the forum.

    I can think the problem was just for me, issues of cache or problems on the server, I had difficulties with both server and db, we are thinking of changing hosting service. For example, after a server down, I worked for hours on the site but the day after the situation was like the day before … Now it’s perfect, topbar shakes, yeahhh ^ __ ^ You can close this ticket.

    Regardless, the important thing is that, AS USUALLY, YOUR SUPPORT DID LEAVE ME ON THE RIGHT ROAD AND MADE SEE THE LIGHT :)

    As soon as I solve the other problem in progress – Difference All Headings (H1-H6) with equal parameters – I will put the new site online, I like it a lot, thanks to Enfold and your support.

    Thanks a lot Yigit for you support and the patience required by me: if after the current film someone from Enfold’s support passed through Milan, it would be fantastic to get to know each other. Thanks for everything. Kind regards.



    You are welcome, Bruno!

    After making changes, please temporarily disable “CSS and JS file merging and compression” in Enfold theme options > Performance, clear cache then you can re-enable the settings and that should help :)

    We will look into your other thread soon :)

    Best regards,

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