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  • #1140465

    Hello to all,

    In Enfold theme, the images are responsive but loading the same size images on all screen size, being really bad for page load so is there a solution about that ?

    Thanks in advance,



    For example, on mobile view (see in private) the first image is loaded in 1500×1001 px 419ko. Too heavy for mobile…
    The original was upload in media library at 1500×1001 px 419ko.

    I don’t understand why the image loaded is always 1500×1001 px 419ko whatever the screen size (mobile, tablet, computer, laptop…)

    Could you explain ?


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by ICEMAN.

    If the image displayed on mobile measures 500×300, I need to have a loaded image at 500×300.
    How can I do that?



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    This will require the srcset attribute, which is not available in the builder elements yet. We will add this option in the near future but for now, you will have to use a third party plugin or duplicate the element and use a smaller version of the image. You can control the elements’ visibility for different devices in the Screen Options panel.

    Best regards,


    Ok Ismael, I understand,

    So if I upload a second version of my photo in the Media Library; I have 2 versions of it: 1000×664 px and 500×330 px, how can i declare scrset attribute and sizes in my page in order to tell the browser which one to choose depending on the viewport ?




    You need a third party plugin to do this and this will also require to have the image on high size and the plugin will do any other resizes.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Basilis, do you have a good plug in to do that ? I heard about Responsify-wp but last update was 1 year ago, I don’t know if it’s secure and supported actually.;;



    WP Retina images I think is still doing the work as should.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Basilis but this plug in needs to upload 3000px images size so it’s to big for me. I am a photographer and I’ve a ot of photos on my Media Library, the risk is to explode my hosting account ;)
    Do you know another plug in for the job ? I upload my photo at 1000×664 px.
    Thanks for helping !



    Thanks Basilis but this plug in needs to upload 3000px images size so it’s to big for me.

    Where did you see that instruction? That is probably the recommended size but it’s not required — any image size is allowed. If you don’t want to use the plugin, please try the suggestion above. Add two Image elements, use a larger version of an image in the first one and a small version in the other. After that, edit both elements’ Screen Options to toggle their device visibility. Or just use the original version of the image for both desktop and mobile view. It won’t affect the performance that much as long as you control the number of entries in a single page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for helping Ismael,

    I understand. I red the 3000px instruction on the plug in site.
    Using a plug in is easier but I do not know which works well.
    I tried responsify-wp but there is no more maintenance today, I test Adaptive Images but it does not work very well, and ShortPixel Adaptive Images but bad job.
    I tried wp retina images but resized images are not very beautiful. I’m a photographer and I need to show quality images but controlling the weight.

    I would also like there to be the minimum impact on the site and the plug in is easy to install because I hope to use Enfold solution under development as soon as it is released.

    If anyone have a suggestion about a good plug in to do the job, I’ll take it !


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by ICEMAN.


    I understand. I red the 3000px instruction on the plug in site.

    You can use an image smaller than that.

    If you need to optimize your images or the site as a whole, these articles should help.


    Best regards,


    ok thank you so much for your help Ismael.
    Could you tell me the loading size of photos in the page (for exemple the photo in screen capture) in private ?

    It is serving at 1030×688 but what is the loadig size ?

    Thanks for the precision.




    Thank you for the update.

    The maximum size of the images in a masonry element is 705x451px. You can alter it by adjusting the size of the “masonry” thumbnail. This plugin will help.


    Best regards,

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