Hello team i have selected in option fonts Roboto as my font family for both header and content but my customer needs roboto light as font is there a code to change it or add light without lowering speed?
Hi nikosmantis
I would recommend embedding the fonts locally by using the following tool:
-> https://google-webfonts-helper.herokuapp.com/fonts/roboto?subsets=latin
Hope this helps,
Thanks for sharing @michaelH, it’s much appreciated. Did you try that out @nikosmantis?
Best regards,
Sorry what exactly you mean to copy the css you provided in theme?or import fonts?
Thank you for writing to us.
Roboto Light is not available by default and you need to install this font to view it in the font list.
Please refer to the Enfold font documentation.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Ok i solved this issue but i have a bigger one now.
On posts page of my website i have masonry gallery from enfold theme.
This gallery has pagination so it shows pages 1,2,3,4 under gallery.
When i click on page 2 for example it wont load the next images instantly instead it reloads page with another url with /2 at the end and goes on top of page again.This is a disaster for user and on mobile also.How can the pagination open the other photos on place?
On the other hand if i use load more pagination then it brings the images from gallery and not from cdn cloudfront i use (optimole)
What i should do ?