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  • #1096133

    Je vous écris parce que j’ai le même problème.
    J’ai téléchargé le thème Enfold sur mon site wordpress.
    Mais je n’arrive pas à importer la démo. Chaque fois que je tente d’importer la démo, on affiche une message d’erreur.
    Pourriez-vous m’aidez?


    I write to you because I have the same problem.
    I downloaded the Enfold theme on my wordpress website.
    But I can not import the demo. Whenever I try to import the demo, I get an error message.
    Could you help me?
    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Rikard.

    Hey Ouehoura,

    Thanks for the login details, they are not working though:

    ERREUR : identifiant non valide. Mot de passe oublié ?

    Which demo are you looking to import? Did you try to import it manually?–using-xml-files-

    Please don’t post login details in public, only in private content.

    Best regards,


    Good morning

    I am very upset because I tried everything to import the parallax demo and other ENFOLD demos. I tried everything and got the following error code “cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds” I disabled all the extensions then I got the best coders who tried to install it in manual mode but there is always a problem now the site is crashed can you take the hand (mouse) and install the parallax demo and the possibility of changing demos in accordance with the general conditions of service and use related to the purchase of my ENFOLD theme. Come back to me quickly, it’s urgent I’m playing my career as a webmaster, it’s never happened to me to be in such a crisis situation. Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you. Bill.


    I obviously contacted my ISP and it has nothing to do with them after painstaking reviews of the situation.


    What are you doing i paid 79 EUROS for a service i need a refund several geeks could not fix your mess this is a shame to provide such a kind of products full of bugs and YOU DON T ANSWER TO MY CRITICAL MESSAGE !!!!


    Hi echauche,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private, so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Thanks for the login, your site returns the error Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED while importing the demo, probably related to OVH hosting disables the set_time_limit() function used by WordPress so the import function won’t timeout.
    Quite a lot of people using OVH host have this issue and OVH replies that they will not enable the basic PHP function.
    Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to correct this hosting issue. I was able to manually install the demo for you, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike. Despite the sustained attention I I have had for your message, it is not very clear to me.

    Indeed, how did you proceed to install the Parallax Demo when you tell me that the hosting provider OVH is not compatible ?

    May I work safely on any theme and please give me a clear tutorial to install any other demo than Parallax please on OVH?

    Thanks much for your precious helps and receive my gratefulness



    You can now work with the demo that I installed for you and you should have no trouble with it.
    I installed it manually, by hand, from my demo install. It is not something that you can reproduce as it took me a long time to do.
    If you wish to install another demo you will need to first reset your site with the plugin WP Reset as each demo overwrites the previous one.
    For your situation with your server error, if you want to install a different demo, try creating a localhost WordPress install and import the demo you want and then use the plugin Duplicator and migrate your localhost version to your webhost, see the video on the plugin page if you have not used this plugin before, it is quite easy.

    Best regards,

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