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  • #1093992


    I would like to remove the line in my header that separates the menu links and the social icons.
    Its a line that goes vertical almost see-through.

    I would also like to move the logo and the menu text a bit more centered, is that possible? Almost have it in line with the text and images I have in the body below.


    Thanks for your help!




    Learn to use Chrome Inspector in the Chrome Browser, you have a bit to learn there

    For your problem of the line in between
    In Chrome
    Right click on that area, and open Inspector
    Make your way to: class=”avia-menu av-main-nav-wrap av_menu_icon_beside”
    Then see(to the right) .avia-menu.av_menu_icon_beside
    That is what you need to change in General Styling / Quick CSS
    In the inspector set border-right-style to none and watch what happens
    Or do anything you want within the inspector, nothing is permanent (until you change it within WordPress)

    This is what would change that line by adding to Quick CSS

    .avia-menu.av_menu_icon_beside {
        border-right-style: none;

    Thanks, worked.

    How about moving the logo and menu text towards the center?
    Guess the menu wrap should be boxed somehow?


    You need to learn this basic stuff yourself

    Take the course I sent you

    And learn to use Google as well

    That almost always give you a starting point

    This required no less than 100$ of my time …spend it wisely

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by aribann.

    Hi dennisgrunwald,

    Can you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Here are some of the header layouts

    Best regards,


    How do I upload/attach an image for you to see?
    Cant find a button for it.

    Otherwise in this website when you scroll down you will see the logo and the social icons being aligned with the body text on his site.

    Looks like the header width is the same width as the “body” content on his site.
    I played around a bit on my site and got pretty close.
    changed my container width to 70% and the menu with this code:

    #top #header .container {
    width: 65%;
    max-width: 100%;

    But its not exact and im not sure if I made it in the correct way.


    Sorry for the late reply, it looks like you will want a container width of 72%
    Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.

    Best regards,

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