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  • #1090027

    I don’t get it! Since yesterday, the right sidebar suddenly appears UNDER the Main Content, which wasn’t before. I just checked the sizes, Content Area, Fullwith Area, Inhalt Seitenleiste/Verhältnis, deactivated the whole bunch of Plugins, added CSS, etc. Still no RIGHT SIDEBAR on the right side as it was before yesterday. That came all suddenly.

    Any ideas? Any bugs in the theme?


    Hey Stephan,
    Thanks for the link, it looks as though the css for the sidebar is set to 100% wide.
    Please check your custom css for this, if this doesn’t help please include admin login in the Private Content area so we can be of more assistance.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the update and for the login details. I see that you are running an older version of the theme, could you try to update to the latest version of the theme (4.5.6) to see if that helps please? The update to 4.5.x has to be done manually from the version you are running, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    If that doesn’t work then please try to delete the whole theme folder, then upload it again. Make sure that you have backups of the site before you start updating.

    Also please read this after you have updated:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    «Thanks for the update and for the login details. I see that you are running an older version of the theme, could you try to update to the latest version of the theme (4.5.6) to see if that helps please? »

    Automatic Upgrade failed (see attachements)

    What now? If I install manually, Do I loose all my Settings in ENFOLD Theme Options?
    What is the most secure way to upgrade to V 4.5.7?
    I still have the issue with the SIDEBAR right, breaking down to the bottom of Page.

    Thank you


    Hi Steve,

    No you shouldn’t lose any setting, but as with all update we and WordPress recommends taking backups of your site before doing anything. The most secure way to update is the way I described in my earlier post.

    Best regards,


    it worked with FTP, Version 4.5.7 running now. One more question:
    How can I move the Entypo Fontello Styles after BODY?

    thanks for support


    Hi Steve,

    Great, I’m glad that you got it working. What exactly do you mean by the fontello styles and why would you need to load them after the body tag?

    Best regards,

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