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  • #1028821

    Hi there,
    “An error occurred while updating Enfold: Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.”
    Has a solution to the problem been found? Several of my customers who bought Enfold cannot update the theme.

    Thank you.
    Kind regards,


    Hi, I am also still having this issue: I have over 70 installs of enfold that need to be updated and every thread I have seen suggests that I will have to update each individually through ftp. Unfortunately, this is not a practical solution. Will the automatic update never be fixed? We have been waiting for this to be resolved for over a month.

    This is the error I receive when trying to update from 4.3 to 4.5:

    An error occurred while updating Enfold: Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.


    I agree with Onlysky. The issue is that my customers are mostly not able (and shouldn’t need to be!) to upload via ftp.
    So please, can this issue be resolved asap?



    We’re sorry for the trouble, but this is out of our hands unfortunately, since there was a change in the Envato API/update procedure. The problem is fixed in 4.5, but the update to that needs to be done manually. You could try a plugin like this which should enable you to upload the zip file instead of updating via FTP:

    Best regards,


    Thanks for this, Rikard.
    But this is really too bad from Envato. I noticed too that I no longer can create an API key for my customers in the settings on Envato’s website which allows for automatic update of the Enfold theme.
    Why do they make it so complicated?

    I’ll try the plugin you’re recommending to make things easier for my clients.
    Best wishes,


    I tried it with the plugin (from zip file) but if I download ENFOLD from theme forest I do not get version 5. I get version 4.4. That does not help.
    what can I do? I am not familiar with ftp, I am a user, not a technician :-)


    I think this whole issue is really bad for Enfold users. At the moment, I cannot wholeheartedly recommend it to future clients.
    Can’t you resolve it with Themeforest/Envato?


    I agree, I think it is just too easy to say ‘it is out of my hands’. Guys like me who know zilch about code and ftp should be able to work with it, and keep it updated, too. So please arrange a fix for this…
    Or at least make envato / theme forest have version 5 for download!


    Hi Susanne,

    We can’t really answer for Envatos actions on their platform, we are only one of thousands of resellers on there and we just have to adapt to what they do really.

    Best regards,


    Hi @BertVosters,

    I think we can do that since it’s not up to us. It’s no different than let’s say an app on the itunes platform. If apple makes changes to the itunes platform then the individual app developer will obviously have to adapt to the changes.

    The version on Themeforest is always the latest one (currently 4.5, not 5 as you are referring to), you can verify that if open style.css in the theme files. If you manage websites then you will at least have to have some knowledge of how to update them except for automatic update, or at least try to learn.

    Best regards,


    I am trying to learn – and learning, every day! :-)
    but the solution via the ‘upgrade from zip file’ plugin does not work. Would it help if I remove the old version first and then install the new one. I’m gonna try that and let you know.


    Tried again with the plugin…
    first looked at the style.css: this is in the style.css (so yes it is version 4.5. OK).
    Theme Name: Enfold
    Description: A superflexible and responsive Business Theme by Kriesi – <br/> Update notifications available on twitter, facebook and via newsletter:<br/> Follow me on twitter<br/> – Join the Facebook GroupSubscribe to our Newsletter
    Version: 4.5
    Author: Kriesi
    Author URI:
    License: Themeforest Split Licence
    License URI: –
    Theme URI:

    * This file is only in your themefolder for WordPress to recognize basic theme data like name and version
    * CSS Rules in this file will not be used by the theme.
    * Instead use the custom.css file that is located in your themes /css/ folder to add your styles.
    * You can copy a style rule from any of your css files and paste it in custom.css and
    * it will override the original style. If you just want to add small css snippets you might also
    * want to consider to add it to the designated CSS option field in your themes backend at: Theme Options->General Styling

    BUT: I get the following warning:
    Bezig met installeren van thema vanuit bestand: themeforest-4519990-enfold-responsive-multipurpose-theme(2).zip
    Uitpakken van pakket…
    Thema installeren…
    Het pakket kan niet geïnstalleerd worden. Het thema heeft geen style.css stylesheet. meaning the theme does not have a style.css sheet. But it has: see above…
    Thema-installatie mislukt. (theme installation failed)

    Any ideas? what am I doing wrong, how can I update? Anybody? Please in simple terms :-)
    Many thanks,


    a previous thread provided the answer:
    You probably tried to install the whole zip file with everything including docs etc inside. Please extract that zip file to find the file and try again. This should end up that you will not have the “missing style.css” error again.

    why not include that in your reply Rikard. May be easy peasy for you, but a lot of us users have no idea… :-)
    anyway, issue resolved. hope auto update is again possible from now on!



    Hi Bert,

    Sorry again for the problems. You are correct, we miss the part about which .zip file should be included. Maybe because it’s very obvious to us but not to someone who has never done it before, sorry about not being more clear on that.

    I’m glad to hear that you got everything working though, and that you hopefully learned something new :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should need any further helps with your site(s).

    Best regards,


    Could you please explain more clearly how you are not actually the company who wrote Enfold. Because that’s certainly NOT clear from your website. You’re a reseller of Enfold? Who is the developer? How do we contact them directly?

    Purchasing from your company means the support is provided by your company. In NO location on your Kriesi website can I locate information that says anything like… although we sell these, and we offer a support forum (one I’ve used many times to get answers) we (suddenly) can’t answer for the developer because, you know, we’re like Apple and aren’t responsible for the stuff we sell.

    Apple makes their policy clear. You do not.

    Please explain to me, and to all of us having problems with this theme we purchased from YOU and came back to YOU for support.


    …and one more item. Generating the new token does not work. Following the exact directions posted in your links results in a forever loop of waiting while the private token is validated. After several attempts I stopped trying.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by davevi.

    Hi davevi,

    I’m not sure how you came to those conclusions, let me try to clarify things a bit:

    – We are the developers of Enfold.
    – We provide full support for our products on this forum (which you are posting on)
    – We sell exclusively on a platform (Envato/Themeforest), which is not managed by us. Thus the reference to Itunes which is a similar platform.

    What is not clear about our policy? Have you requested support and not received any?

    Best regards,


    Usually the process of updating Enfold was, as you know, via an API key provided by Envato/ThemeForest. I used to install this for my customers as soon as I bought the theme and Licence for them. They are all NOT computer literate. The API key doesn’t work any more. When trying to update you get this error message: An error occurred while updating Enfold: Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.
    So what now? How can I tell my clients that they have to do a complicated action by going into their cpanel or hosting cloud and upload an update of Enfold? They don’t want to do things like that!

    It was pretty easy for those customers before, though already an effort for them. But now these people won’t want to do all this!
    Why don’t you sell your theme yourself, through Kriesi, and provide an API key for automated updating? Instead of through Themeforest/Envato?
    Or at least you could offer this option for theme upgrades?

    I’m sure there are thousands of customers out there who are very upset about Envato’s new procedure. This will damage your business which would be a big shame.
    Best wishes,


    Not liking the tone of your support answers Rikard. Reading your response to me, and to others, there is a blame-the-user perspective and a passive aggression in the way you write that needs to be checked.

    Maybe because it’s very obvious to us but not to someone who has never done it before
    ..If you manage websites then you will at least have to have some knowledge of how to update them except for automatic update, or at least try to learn.
    What is not clear about our policy? Have you requested support and not received any?

    We are your customers, so keep that in mind. We are not all coders or developers, that’s why we purchase products from your company in the first place — because we can’t develop on our own, or don’t have the time or desire.

    So let me ask the question again. I cannot update my Enfold site to 4.5. The plug-in you recommended does not work fully. The generation of the new token does not work.

    The answer is for Enfold to work around the Envato issue, just like all those app developers you referenced in the Apple store — they don’t tell people “it’s Apple’s fault man, not ours, so…” They add FUNCTIONALITY to their product to work around it.

    And please explain why the URL failure occurs during the automated upgrade of a purchased and registered copy of your company’s Enfold theme, when Envato, as you state, is the reason?

    To answer you question, no I have not received support because your answer is to blame someone else and use Apple as your example. Your company isn’t Apple, this isn’t a closed ecosystem like theirs and this is not a complex hardware platform application like Apple’s.


    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks for your patience with this–I understand it’s out of your hands. I’ve successfully downloaded the plugin you recommended above and I was able to successfully (and easily, thank you!) update the theme that way. It was not difficult at all and went extremely quickly.

    The problem I am now encountering is generating a new, functioning token with Envato. I followed the steps on this page: and created a new token but I am now getting this error when I try to enter it in Enfold:

    Last time we checked the token we were not able to connected to Envato:

    Purchases could not be accessed
    Username could not be accessed (needed for your information only)
    E-Mail could not be accessed (needed for your information only)

    Here is a screenshot of the permissions I selected when registering the token:

    View post on

    Could you help me figure out what I’ve done wrong here? Like I mentioned above, I have to repeat this process for 70+ installs of Enfold for our clients so it would be very helpful for me to be able to get it into as seamless a process as possible.

    Really appreciate your help in the matter,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Onlysky.

    Hi Jinju,

    Thanks for the update and sorry for the additional problem. I’m not sure what the solution to that problem is to be honest with you, we’ve had other users report the same thing though. Could you please post a new thread about that? Please make sure to include admin login details in private in the new thread. This thread is getting large and it’s difficult for moderators to help everyone out in the same thread.

    Best regards,


    Hi davevi,

    If you need help updating your theme then please post a new thread and include WordPress admin login along with FTP login details in private so that we can do it for you. We also need you to verify that you have backups of the site in case something should go wrong.

    Best regards,

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