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  • #1337135


    Heute mal auf Deutsch, weil zu kompliziert auf Englisch.

    Es geht um zwei Textblöcke (Headline: Spezialthema Konflikt und Headline: ÖFFENTLICHE FÖRDERUNG), die jeweils in einer Box mit Schatten stehen, Sie sind hier zu finden:
    (login und passwort siehe private content)

    Am Computer Screen sehen sie super aus, aber sobald man das Fenster verkleinert, wir der Abstand von der Schrift zum Rahmen zu klein.
    Hier auf zwei Screeshots zu sehen:

    Ich freue mich, von euch zu hören.

    Beste Grüße


    Hey Josephine,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    It seems like your column element has 20px left padding but does not have any right padding. Could you please edit it and add 20px right padding?



    Hi Yigit,
    mmhh, I had a look at the column element and it’s 20px top right bottom left.

    And I did not change that. I think it was like that…

    If you want to have a look yourself pls find the login in privat content.

    Thx and best regards!


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by josk-design.

    Hey Josephine,

    Temporary login does not seem to be working. Token might be expired. Could you please check it once again?



    Hi Yigit!

    I just realised that I already solved the problem.

    Best regards


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 12 months ago by josk-design.

    Hi Josephine,

    Glad you figured it out! Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day :)

    Best regards,

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