I have multiple videos on one page here:
The first 3 show up as black and the last one works fine.
All videos are capable of being embedded on via youtube.
I have:
Deleted Enfold – and reinstalled
Disabled all plugins
Cleared cache
re-uploaded videos
recreated the entire page
Still nothing works. What is causing this? Need it fixed asap.
Hey ewingmh,
Could you try to use the URL in this format instead please; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0k3kHtyoqc
You are currently using the youtu.be format.
Best regards,
that worked… but why? I have an identical site:
and https://www.oldwestranchco.com/ranches-for-sale-colorado-springs/
That all use the youtu.be format and work fine… along with 10 or 20 other sites that all use that same format…. why is this one different??