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  • #1109922

    why is this embedded Youtube-Video (with advanced layout editor) not working, when I use another ALB-element (for example masonry) on the page?
    When I use just a video, its working.

    Infos in private content.



    just found out its because of “PB seo friendly images”. if I deactivate the plugin it seams working. So i´ve contacted the plugin-creator, but maybe you can take a look!




    We will keep this thread open and await a response from the plugin dev.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Here the reply from the plugin-author in german and with google translate :)

    Das ist durchaus möglich, das Plugin führt einen PHP basierten HTML Optimizer aus.
    Dieser kann manche Codes etwas verändern, in seltenen Fällen führt das leider zu Problemen, sodass die entsprechenden Seiten oder Funktionen ausgeschlossen werden müssen.
    du kannst in der Version 4.0.x mit einem Filter in der functions.php z.B. Seiten mit Problemen ausschließen, z.B.:

    Das sollte eine einfache Lösungsmöglichkeit darstellen :)

    This is quite possible, the plugin executes a PHP based HTML Optimizer.
    This can change some codes a bit, but in rare cases, this unfortunately leads to problems, so the corresponding pages or functions must be excluded.
    you can in version 4.0.x with a filter in the functions.php. Exclude pages with problems, such as:

    That should be a simple solution :)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Maw87.


    We are not sure what to do actually. You can always consider hire someone to help you with this one I suppose.

    Best regards,

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