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  • #1416233

    Hello! Is it possible to have auto play YouTube preview videos?! I mean that when you scroll the page, you can already see the video that goes in preview and, if you click, it opens on Youtube.

    Many thanks!

    (Check in my page…in private content.)


    Hey Stilecatalini,
    Videos will not auto play with sound and will not auto play on mobile, this rule is set by the browsers. There may be some plugins that may do this in some browsers with a “hack” but it is not dependable and may stop working in the future. It is best to wait for the user to click on the video to play.

    Best regards,


    Understand but I mean that the video start (sound off) like the only preview. So if you click it will start at full screen. Like on Facebook or Instagram…..


    Unfortunately not, I would recommend looking for a plugin that has this feature.

    Best regards,


    Hello. I noted that in Android phone the videos are not visible! Why?! Check!

    NB. I don’t know why there is always some problem! Always………..


    I’m talking about the color section.


    I see no problem on my Android phone.
    You page is very heavy to load, so make sure that your phone is not on power saver mode or that it allows videos to be loaded on power saver mode and on mobile network, not just over wifi.

    Best regards,


    How to make it lighter?!
    Videos are shorts, pictures light…
    Don’t know…


    You would have less content, videos, and images.
    But as it is right now I don’t have any problems with it on my Android.

    Best regards,

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