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  • #962683

    if you embed a youtubevideo you have to choose the new videoversion with extended dataprotection / nocookiepolicy.

    Enfold offers a simple way of showing Youtube videos by just copying the Videourl into a field.
    This makes it impossible to follow the new GDPR-Rules

    How can i use videos from youtube GDPR-compatible AND use the Enfold-Feauture?

    Regards Martin


    They seem to think it’s not needed (but they are perfectly wrong):

    There are other threads about the topic here too, I truly hope they will understand that a solution is needed or we won’t be able to use Enfold with YouTube videos in a GDPR-compliant way :-(


    Hey all!

    Implementing the “no cookie” version of youtube does not really help since it does set “cookies” as well:

    If you really need to offer a cookieless background video there is only the option for self hosted videos. The easier way would probably be to try to mention the cookies in the privacy policy and find a good reason for legitimate interest and that this video benefits your business and maybe also the user. the website admin can still add the shortcode [av_privacy_video_embeds] to disable youtube videos (also affects youtube bgs) to the privacy policy.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    1: Just mentioning in PP is NOT a solution – otherwise GDPR would be a joke if you could solve anything by just writing “He guys – we collect your data. Haha!”
    2: I am not talking about Background-video – i am talking about [av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9']



    1. But you are not collecting any data on the customer, Google is? That is why you need to express that in the privacy policy, or use a self hosted video.

    2. If the customer actively wants to watch a video, then it falls under legitimate interes in my opinion. If you don’t want any third party involvement, then I would recommend to host the video locally.

    Best regards,


    if it make sense or not, the gdpr means that the implementation of youtube videos with the nocookie version is toleraterd.
    this modus get no user information until the user is not watching the video.

    so it would be great if you can edit the video shortcode that way. by now i have to integrate youtbube videos with an iframe and thats not what i want.



    We forwarded the request to our developers.

    Best regards,


    are there any new information?

    thanks a lot



    Our developer looked into it and we’re not sure at the moment if we’ll support a nocookie implementation or not. At the moment we’re waiting for feedback by Kriesi. However if we’ll support it we’ll only provide basic support which means nocookie videos won’t work with all elements and can’t be used in i.e. sliders, etc. This is a technical limitation of the nocookie api (which does not support many features the standard api offers – more information can be found here: ). So even if we’ll add support many users probably won’t use it because the use cases are limited.

    Best regards,

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