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  • #357984

    We use 2 plugins for our clients that will automatically pull new YouTube videos into their website from their channel.
    Neither will work correctly with Enfold.
    The first is
    This almost works very well but when you click on one of the thumbnails it activates a lightbox as well as playing on the page.

    The second is a paid plugin that uses the new Google YouTube API V3.
    The conflict here maybe that you are also using this API?

    So my question is are there any things I can “turn off” within Enfold (possibly a PHP mod) that would make either or both of these plugins function?

    I will provide links in the “Private Content” box below.

    BTW: I have confirmed it is the Theme. I de-activated all plugins but the one being tested.. same problem. Switched to a different theme and both plugins work fine.



    Hi raveon!

    For the first one try opening up /enfold/js/avia.js and change line 824 from this.

    autolinkElements:   'a[rel^="prettyPhoto"], a[rel^="lightbox"], a[href$=jpg], a[href$=png], a[href$=gif], a[href$=jpeg], a[href*=".jpg?"], a[href*=".png?"], a[href*=".gif?"], a[href*=".jpeg?"], a[href$=".mov"] , a[href$=".swf"] , a:regex(href, .vimeo\.com/[0-9]) , a[href*=""] , a[href*=""], a[href*="iframe=true"]',

    To this.

    autolinkElements:   'a[rel^="prettyPhoto"], a[rel^="lightbox"], a[href$=jpg], a[href$=png], a[href$=gif], a[href$=jpeg], a[href*=".jpg?"], a[href*=".png?"], a[href*=".gif?"], a[href*=".jpeg?"], a[href$=".mov"] , a[href$=".swf"] , a:regex(href, .vimeo\.com/[0-9]) ,  a[href*=""], a[href*="iframe=true"]',

    The second one seems to be working fine on my end though. I click play and the videos play fine and I can switch the videos on the side. They are not playing on your end?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
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