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  • #428976

    For some reason all my YouTube embeds have taken on a huge ugly square box instead of the usual 16:9 aspect ration. Vimeo embeds do not have this problem.

    Here’s an example of bad YouTube embed:

    On the other hand, Vimeo embeds look work as expected:

    Here’s an example with both YouTube and Vimeo:

    Thank you for your assistance


    Hey cerelogic!

    It’s because you have it set to no sidebar. Add this to your custom CSS.

    .av-content-full .entry-content-wrapper, .av-content-full .entry-content { max-width: 100% !important; }


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Elliott.

    I added the CSS. There’s no change to the YouTube videos. However, the blog post body text is now wider… not something I really wanted. I just want the YouTube embeds to appear normal. Thanks.

    PS – I removed the added CSS since it was making the blog look ugly.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by cerelogic.

    Sadly my single blog post body text are no longer left justified, even though it has this:

    #top .fullsize .template-blog .post .entry-content-wrapper { text-align: left; }


    One other thing… you mention: “It’s because you have it set to no sidebar.”

    Well, that’s because I don’t want a sidebar for a single post and it’s an option in Enfold so it should just respect what I select. Thanks.


    Correction: the left justified CSS is working. I still have the YouTube embed problem, though. Sorry to bother you folks with this.



    It looks different now. You have the embed player set to 1500 x 874. You’ll want to use some smaller dimensions if you want it to fit nice in a full width layout.

    Or if you use our video shortcode instead of embeds then it’s width will be set automatically.

    Best regards,


    I do? Where do I set that? Thanks!



    When you copy the embed code from change the width / height in the embed code. Or you can use our video shortcodes which will have it fit automatically.



    Unfortunately, this worked just fine until a recent update of Enfold. So now I have to go in to every single blog post that I have a YouTube link and change it to the Enfold proprietary video embed shortcode. With several hundred blog posts, I can assure you this is no fun. So it is very frustrating to have to go in and “fix” what wasn’t broken to begin with. The thing is – if I ever have to move my website to another theme or platform, it will be a chore to remove all these special shortcodes from within blog posts. I don’t mind the pages so much as they are fewer. But the blog posts – they need to remain true to WordPress.




    Well it’s weird that your embeds are 1500 x 874. They should be 560 x 315 by default. Did you change them manually when you copied the embed code from youtube? We might be able to set their width to 100% via CSS.



    No. All I do is use the YouTube share URL. No embed info stored in that. It’s just a link to the video. They all previously worked in Enfold, but went all wonky in a recent update of Enfold. I’ve gone back a changed a few posts with the Enfold shortcode and that works, but that’s an option I really don’t want to use. I’d rather use WP’s ability to accept the YouTube URL. And it would be a lot of work to go back and change all the YouTube embeds in past posts.



    Not sure why they would have changed sizes, none of our other customers have experienced anything like this.

    I tried viewing your link again but it looks fine to me now so I assume you changed the sizes manually. Send us a link to where they are still using the wrong size and we’ll see if it’s possible to change it with CSS.



    I changed this link back:

    The post simply contains the URL to the YouTube videos like this:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by cerelogic.


    Oh I see, so your just pasting the youtube URLs into your post content then? If so then they should be surrounded with a “avia-iframe-wrap” container but yours are not for some reason. Let’s try the following.

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    2. Completely delete Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.

    If it’s still not working then send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.

    Best regards,


    No, it should not be wrapped in the avian-iframe-wrap container. This worked before. It’s stopped working with a recent update of Enfold.

    If you read through this whole of this thread you will see that in a private post I have already provided the login.




    Actually, it has to be wrapped inside that container to keep the ratio of the video. I tested the youtube link on my installation and it works fine. Please add this in the functions.php file:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod');
    function ava_custom_script_mod(){
    	$('.embed-youtube').each(function() {
    		$(this).wrap('<div class="avia-iframe-wrap" style="padding-bottom: 56.2666666666667%;"></div');

    Remove browser cache then reload the page.


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