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  • #1367070
    Lene Sachs

    Hey Enfold
    When accessing my account at the Enfold support forum this message appeared…
    We are very sorry but it seems your Theme License has expired on October 25th, 2018
    In order for you to post support questions you need to enter a new valid themeforest license code
    You can purchase a new license on themeforest or if you purchased one recently simply download it on themeforest


    Do I need a new license key for ongoing updates from Enfold theme or is this only related to support? This a very odd, as I could enter en support forum in 2020 and use the service.

    Please could you verify, what I should do?

    Best regards
    Lene Sachs

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Yigit.

    Hi Lene,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    We had to implement valid support period policy due to our agreement with Envato (you can read more here – ).

    If you would like to receive support from us, you would need to renew support on Enfold’s ThemeForest page. After renewing support, you can go to and re-validate your existing purchase code and start new threads.

    You will receive lifetime updates even if your support is expired.

    I hope that helps!

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Lene,

    Yes, that is where you can order extended support.

    Best regards,

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