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  • #938329


    I am battling with how to show you tube videos without having related videos at the end and
    seem to be stuck with exactly the same problem with many others on the forum seem to have had.
    I can only get a properly responsive player by using the You Tube URL and not the Embed code, but if the URL is used there is no option not to have related videos at the end of the video (an absolute
    no no for any business and additionally any click on the player takes the viewer off the site). If a you tube URL is used ?rel=0 does not work.

    Then I found this on the code from ishmael on the forum and though eureka

    <div class=”avia-video avia-video-16-9 ” itemprop=”video” itemtype=””&gt;
    <div class=”avia-iframe-wrap”>
    <iframe width=”1500″ height=”844″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

    but it does not work – related videos still show.

    I have tried using the you tube embed code in a code block, this stops related videos but the player creates large black areas top and bottom in mobile view so the size of the viewer has to be quite small to be usable and too small for desktop viewing.

    Is there an answer to this problem?



    Hey Su,

    Related videos are disabled by default in Enfold 4.2.5. You might be using an older version of the theme. Please make sure you are using Enfold 4.2.6 – and simply insert Youtube full links and related videos should not show up :)



    Thanks – You’re right I was only using Enfold 4.0
    I have got the you tube videos working fine in the video Avia Builder now.
    Is there any way to disable the related videos if I used an image with a link to open the videos in a light box or is that hoping for too much?


    Hi Su,

    Please try using this plugin – :)

    Best regards,


    Yes I did try this plugin before I contacted but it does not work with images linked with either the url or embed code.
    What I have seen mentioned on this forum is having an image which links to the you tube video and then opens in a lightbox.

    I have installed the plugin you mentioned and set up a test page here so you can see what I am getting at

    The first video uses the enfold video player and a URL – seems to work fine with no related videos at the end.
    The second is linked with an embed code – this opens the video full screen (which then cannot be closed) and shows related videos.
    The third image is linked with a url and when the image is clicked it opens in a light box but has related videos at the end.

    I’m thinking it might not be possible to use the lightbox route without also having the related videos popping up at the end?




    Could you please try adding “&rel=0” (without double quotes) to the end of your Youtube link?

    Best regards,



    Adding the &rel=0 to the end of a you tube ‘watch’ URL seems to cause a playback error message.
    I have updated the test page and added text to all the images showing what URL and URL embeds are used with each one.
    In a nutshell
    you tube URL Embeds opens full screen &rel=0 works when used

    you tube URL ‘watch’ does open in a lightbox, &rel=0 causes a playback error message

    have also tried
    and the you tube ‘share’ URL

    Thanks for any input on this you have.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Sujohn.

    so this is your url on youtube:

    the first option to set must have a Questionmark ?rel=0 every following option gets an ampersand &

    the ecver=2 is to have not on pause the related videos too ! so try to add following options
    if you don’t like the autoplay – get rid of it

    the video alb does not accept those links

    but an image with that manually added link does the trick – you only have to add the

    by the way – boardsoft changes ever ampersand & to a different sign – so it does not work here on click

    but see and click the image on the left:

    for your special interest and following:


    on the right side of that test page there is a code-block in a container.
    The codeblock has no checkmark at all and the content is:

    	<iframe width="720" height="405" src="" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    and you see on pause the video there are no overlays at all ( that is the ecver=2 option)


    Thanks so much for your input. Exactly what I needed. You totally nailed it.


    I would love it if Youtube videos would launch in lightbox by default, or have that option in the ALB element…



    Glad @guenni007 could help! :)

    Thanks for your help :)

    I will discuss it with our devs :)

    Best regards,


    a small supplement, because I see that you offer a whole range of different Youtube films on the page:
    here is a small tutorial how to get one youtube goes to play and stops the other one.:



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,



    And thanks once again from me.



    Hi Su,

    Thanks for the feedback, should we close this thread then?

    Best regards,

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