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  • #1225368

    Good evening folks,

    today I noticed that the yoast-seo-plugin doesn’t recognize images in
    the slider (fullwidth). Maybe in the normal slider too? How did I get
    this info? Just easy – yoast told me itself in the analysis-section.

    Look at the screenshot. Here the translation of the sentence:
    “images with alt-attributes: there are no pictures on this page. Add some!“
    As you can see – there is defenitely an image on the page, incl. with alt-

    So, is that a (new) bug in an enfold-element or is it a bug within yoast?

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The analysis tool doesn’t work well with layout builders because it doesn’t recognize shortcodes. And the markup, for example the image tag is not really available in the back end, so the tool can’t detect it. Looks like the tool has a way to detect images based on the file name, maybe the image format too, but it might not be able to detect the alt attribute because the whole image markup doesn’t actually exists in the builder.


    But please note that this will not affect how search engines read the site in the front end.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your answer and sorry for my late reply! But as you guys I’ve got also
    so many to do right now. ;-/

    Ok, I see…thx for the explanation! And good that this will not take affect on
    the front-end. But it is of course a little problem in the cooperation of Yoast
    and the enfold-builder. Because Yoast shows you constantly a bad result of
    your SEO-effort. ;-) Anyway…Yoast is not allmighty, isn’t it? ;-)

    Kind regards



    Thank you for the update.

    There is a an available script to make the tool recognize shortcodes but it will take quite a while to implement, so we might not be able to fix this on our end. Fortunately, Yoast added a lot of good recommendations beside the report list or notices so that you can satisfy the SEO requirements, so just make sure to follow those recommendations and you’re good to go. But again those changes will only reflect in the front end.

    Best regards,

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