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  • #921346

    I installed a yith plugin “frequently bought togeter”=>
    It works but there is no space between the WISHLIST/catagory text and VAAK SAMEN GEKOCHT text.

    Can you help me?


    Hey studioinktvis,

    We do not support third party plugins but I’m happy to help you as you are an Enfold customer. You can try the below CSS.

    .yith-wfbt-section.woocommerce {

    If you still have any issue I am afraid you’ll need to contact the plugin author for more info about the issue. Making third-party plugins compatible with the theme is unfortunately beyond the support scope we offer. Sorry for that!

    Best regards,


    It worked. Thanks!



    I’m glad you were able to get your issue resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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