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  • #848124

    Before I decided to start this thread, I did quite a research over the (several) tickets on menu issues after the last update. But I’ve seen so many different problems and almost all of them were related to CSS issues. I guess that might be my problem too, except that I’m not being able to fix it.

    website: Nattrip Tourism Agency in Brazil

    I’m experiencing a few strange things:

    1) The burguer menu keeps showing on my desktop version even though I selected option “Activate only for Smartphones (browser width below 768px)” in theme config (screenshot attached: 01.jpg)

    2) On desktops, using Chrome seems all right but using Edge or Safari will crash and throw the main menu spread open in the page (dark background, blue fonts) (screenshot attached: 02.jpg)

    3) Same behavior as 2 happens in mobile devices (screenshot attached: 03.jpg)

    4) In theme config, I guess a tab is missing on the Header options (screenshot attached: 04.jpg) or am I wrong?

    Please guys, need help on this ’cause site is on production :-(

    Anxiously waiting for advice!


    Hi guys… anyone?


    Hi all,

    I came up with this:

    1) Deactivated all cache on my hosting provider, but left my W3 Total Cache active.
    2) By checking the CSS presented in a browser window, I found out that the code was coming from W3TC minify.
    3) Deactivating the plugin made it all come normal again.
    4) Then I configured the new functionalities as I wanted and tried to activate the W3TC again. But errors came up again.
    5) I had to deactivate W3TC minify settings due to this errors.

    Any insides on compatibility issues?


    Point 1 ) i do not see both menu and burger menu icon.
    but i see you got a cart sign there too so the rule:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .av_mobile_menu_tablet .main_menu { 
    right: 30px !important } 

    seems to be a good advice for you even inbetween 768px and 990px – because otherwise the car symbol will overlay the burger icon

    Point 2) i can not confirm your fault on my end here: OSX Safari

    Point 4) is correct on newest Version of enfold. Therefore or some additional maintab (such as menu) on the left


    I fixed it too, by deleting the enfold.css file in the dynamic_avia folder located in the uploads folder and saving my settings again in Enfold Theme Options.
    this update has messed up a lot of my setting (and I’m using a child theme). Look forward to 4.13.
    Very surprised Kriesi hasn’t said anything.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by BassLineX.

    Hi @Guenni007, you didn’t verify the errors because I could fix it by disabling the W3TC minify. But thanks for the contribution, it was very well received!

    Hi @BassLineX, yes so it seems… :-/


    Hi rmf339,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    The thread was constantly updated and so was being put to the end of the queue and moderators might not have seen it, since we are working from the oldest to the newest.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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