Tagged: entypo, header, icon, social media, Xing
May 13, 2013 at 8:50 am #23187
as XING is the most important business social network in Germany and many other countries, it is inevitable important to have it in the top header like and with facebook, LinkedIn and all these. With the XING icon and the link. Very important!
How can I do this?
May 14, 2013 at 8:09 am #118870Hi,
Please open up /includes/admin/register-admin-options.php and find line 803 that looks like
'Behance' => 'behance',
and somewhere in that block of social networks, add
'Xing' => 'xing',
Please open up /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/team.php and fine line 300, and between lines 300 and 301 (or in that block of social networks) paste the code below.
In file functions.php at the base of the theme find line 141 and follow the instructions on lines 117-121 about finding the symbol for Xing
'tumblr' => '', //219
and here you will need to go and get a code from the entypo icon fonts. After finding the code to the xing icon that looks same as the codes you see in that block all the way up to line 141 you add
'xing' => '', //except instead of 62229 you add the code for xing from entypo icon fonts.
Please add the following css to Quick CSS or to /css/custom.css
#top .avia-team-member .xing:hover { color:#345574; }
#top .social_bookmarks_xing:hover a{color:#fff; background-color:#345574; }Thanks. Let us know how it goes.
May 14, 2013 at 12:26 pm #118871Hi Nick,
didn’t work so far. There is no XING Icon in entypo font. I wrote to them, but guess there won’t be a solution.
I did all the steps (in functions.php I used the same codes as for tumblr for the moment). But then I did not get a new option in the design > header for XING. So I guess that even, when the font problem is solved, there need to be another step to get this option in the pulldown menu in the header section.
Do you have any other idea?
May 14, 2013 at 5:04 pm #118872Hi,
Yes. I have an idea that you haven’t looked well for the Xing glyph, since I was able to find it. http://www.clipular.com/c?5946811=zM1_Hm9yLKqfAg_cXwIOP0xZTlY&f=.png (the one with the outline in center) /
Just go to that website fontello.com and this glyph is in Zocial.
Now you need to pick the size, and select that one glyph and click download button and you got it.
In the theme the location of current glyph files is in there: /config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts/entypo-fontello-charmap.php
I would follow these instructions regarding how to add a stand alone glyph as I haven’t deal with fonts much, so reading up as i go.. will ask.. instructions ->. http://css-tricks.com/html-for-icon-font-usage/
May 26, 2013 at 9:17 pm #118873Hey!
I will try to add the icon with one of the next updates, since doing that yourself is a pain. Maybe we will also find a way to make it easier for users to create their own icon sets :)
June 10, 2013 at 7:04 pm #118875Yes, Yes! Tell us, when u got it! ;-)
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