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  • #820951

    My site is totally messed up afraid updating to 4.1. Same issues on Mac and PC and all browsers. Screenshots below


    Hey MtnStreamGroup,

    Thanks for the login details, though I can’t see anything on the backend since the user doesn’t have admin rights. Could you upgrade the user please?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thanks for the admin access. I have disabled minify from w3 total cache, enabled it back and purge the cache. Let us know if it’s good on your end :)

    Best regards,


    Microsoft Edge and Firefox (PC) are still a mess. The same issues as before. I didn’t have Firefox on my computer so I installed it. So this is an absolutely fresh look at the site. With MS Edge I opened it. Cleared all browsing data and went to the site.

    I opened a new window in Chrome, cleared images and files cache, went to the site, cleared images & files cache, closed the window, opened a new window and went to the site. Everything looks correct.

    I’m seriously considering leaving Enfold and going to another theme then rebuild the site.



    Can you try to disable minification (minify) from w3 total cache and purge the cache. You are getting errors because of it.

    Best regards,


    You said above that you have done the minify disable and clear cache.



    Yes, I have said I have disabled minify purge the cache and enabled minify back. I’m asking you to disable minify and purge cache but don’t enable it back.

    Best regards,


    I turned all of the minify off and purged cache. I also purged all the browser cache and opened again. Works to a point. All of fonts (Futura adding via script) are missing now in MS Edge. Firefox and Chrome OK. But this is a problem because now the site loads slower and will cause issues with page rank.

    Also, I have not turned the cache back on.



    Can you try to enable minify but tweak it a bit, might need some few adjustments for it without any issue with the site.

    Best regards,


    I am having exactly the same problem with W3 Total Cache and Enfold 4.1.2
    Disabling Minify solves the issue but the site loads very slow now.
    Is there any solution so far?



    Can you try autoptimize plugin:
    Hope this would help :)

    Best regards,

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