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  • #1141768

    Hey Petreshak,

    Can you disable caching and minification for now?

    Best regards,


    Hello, done


    Hi Petreshak,

    You have an error in your Quick css. The last semicolumn missing And so the styles break.
    Image 2019-09-26 at 17.58.30.png

    Best regards,


    Hi, Victoria. I deleted everything from Quick css, but the problem is still here


    Hi Petreshak,

    Please make the account that you made for us admin, last time I could not see the theme options.

    Best regards,


    Hi, done



    Thank you for sharing the details.

    I checked your site but could not access Dashboard > Appearance > Theme Editor option and check the child theme files.

    A plugin conflict may also be one of the reasons for this issue.
    To find which plugin is causing the conflict please follow these steps:

    1. Go to your plugins page > Deactivate all active Plugins
    2. Update WordPress and Enfold to the latest version if you have not.
    3. Make sure all the plugins are updated.
    4. If the problem does not persist when plugins are turned off, activate one plugin at a time and refresh until you find the plugin in conflict.

    We await the results of your plugin compatibility test.

    Thanks for your cooperation :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you. I deleted wp rocket and installed LS cashe. It helped


    Hi Petreshak,

    Glad you got it working for you! Hope this caching plugin works better :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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