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  • #702827

    Contact Form provided in Content Elements of Enfold v. 3.8 sends e-mails with wrong subject.
    It does not insert the subject provided in Contact Forms CMS, even though it is properly saved.
    Using functions.php modification provided in does not work or I’m placing it inproperly (in the end of the document).

    At the same time:
    The confiramation content can not be fully modified.
    There is “Your Message” header in the e-mail, that is followed by the data provided in the Contact Form by the registrant. I would like to translate and modify that header.


    Hey Michał,

    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend. Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.
    • permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    Best regards,


    Requested content below.



    I think what you want to change is not the email subject (receiver is the admin) instead you want to change the autoresponder email subject (receiver is the one who subscribed), I have commented out the code you have added based on the link and I have added this code on your functions.php:

    add_filter( 'avia_contact_form_args', 'enfold_custom_autoresponder_subject', 10, 1);
    function enfold_custom_autoresponder_subject( $form_args ) {
    	$form_args['autoresponder_subject'] = 'Komunikracja - mów i rządź. Od teraz jesteśmy w kontakcie.';
    	return $form_args;

    I tried it and it worked. I noticed that the from email contains Komunikracja – mów i rządź. Od teraz jesteśmy w kontakcie and email and modified the code above to (which has no issue on my local server; for security purposes I have replaced your email to (Email address hidden if logged out) , real content is in the private content):

    add_filter( 'avia_contact_form_args', 'enfold_custom_autoresponder_subject', 10, 1);
    function enfold_custom_autoresponder_subject( $form_args ) {
    	$form_args['autoresponder_subject'] = 'Komunikracja - mów i rządź. Od teraz jesteśmy w kontakcie.';
    	$form_args['autoresponder_email'] = 'Name Here < (Email address hidden if logged out) >';
    	return $form_args;

    but suddenly the site returns 500 internal error. Can you remove this in functions.php via ftp or cpanel:
    $form_args['autoresponder_email'] = 'Name Here < (Email address hidden if logged out) >';
    that was the last addition before having that error. I apologize for this.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Nikko. Reason: hide email

    Hi Nikko,
    that’s alright man.
    It’s up and running again after deleting the verse you pointed to.

    Apart from subject works, what can we do about the in-message English that priors the summary of what has the person filling the form sent?
    Best redards,


    Hi MDO,

    Try to add back this line of code:

    $form_args['autoresponder_email'] = 'Name Here < (Email address hidden if logged out) >';

    Just replace the name and email. If it doesn’t work, can you give us ftp access?

    Best regards,

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