Tagged: language switcher, wpml
I´ve just updated enfold and unfortunately the language switcher (flags) on the right of the header disappeared and it does not appear if I choose “Display Everywhere” in the WPML menu as widget. I need the switcher in the header on the right side on the top like it was before the update.
This is my site: http://www.dentaparks.de/wp
Best Regards..
Hi dentaparks!
Do you mind creating a temporary admin login and posting it here privately so we can take a look?
Thank you for using the theme. I hope you’re doing great.
I added the language selector on includes > helper-main-menu.php. Please check it here: http://www.dentaparks.de/wp/
Hey Ismael,
thanks, but after I´ve updated enfold to 2.6.1 the language selector disappeared again. So, could you please add the selector again in the helper-main-menu and also give me the code and the place, where I have to add it for the case of an new update?
I need the selector on the right header side and vertically centered to the phone number like before. Please consider this also.
Best Regards..
I fixed it again. I’ll ask Kriesi to include this fix in the next update – then you don’t need to modify the file on your own :)
Hey Dude,
this would be great! Otherwise I will have to learn coding ;-)
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,