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  • #178323

    Dear developer,

    Last week i’ve bought the enfold theme from Themeforest. After adding pages, content, pictures, sliders, etc.. i’ve added the WPML function. I’ve done this 100+ times so didn’t expect any problem at all. After installing and configuring the WPML function the frontpage is broken. The slider, blocks, etc will not load. On the other pages i’m facing problems with the gallery grid, lightboxes, images, etc..
    The header is also continuously floating on the page when you scroll down. Can you help me with this problem? the website is, except for the content almost ready to go online after accepting from the client.

    I’ve asked for help on the Themeforest forum but Kriesi asked me to place my question in this forum

    Link to the website:
    Change the hostfile to:

    if you need more information, please let me know @ (Email address hidden if logged out)


    Hi konings194!

    Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. Please also remove the host file protection and make sure that we can access the web server without editing our host files.

    Best regards,

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