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  • #1412626

    Hi, I have a problem with Wp Rocket, with his functions REMOVE UNUSED CSS.
    Enabled, it brokes hamburger menu, tags and accordion
    I can exclude classes from this function

    Could you help me to know which classes or id i can exclude?

    Have you ever encountered this problem?


    Hey edolmen,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We haven’t encountered this issue before but we might be able to fix it by excluding css classes, as you have mentioned. Please provide the site URL in the private field so that we can inspect the site and provide the necessary adjustments. Temporarily, you might have to disable the option.

    Best regards,


    We have also Cloudflare, with APO and Rocket loader activated


    any news?


    Hi, any news ?


    Thanks for your patience, I have not used Wp Rocket REMOVE UNUSED CSS, but from articles I have read it causes problems, it would probably be better to not use this option but if you want to use it try excluding these classes:

    Best regards,


    Thanks for support.. Now i have enabled Cloudflare with Rocket Loader and APO option and enabled “Remove Unused CSS”, i inserted these classes and it works for all pages, except for Homepage.

    Is there a different cache for Homepage?



    Thank you for the update.

    The accordion element and the hamburger menu seems to be working correctly when we checked the home page. Did you disable the “remove unused css” option?

    Best regards,


    yes, for homepage i disabled it.. for all pages, the options is enabled



    Is this sufficient for you? If you wish for us to check the issue further, kindly create a duplicate of the home page and share its URL in the private field. Make sure that the “removed unused css” option is enabled for the cloned page.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    But for other Pages, it works perfectly.
    If i clone homepage, It will be managed like a normal page and Will work.
    The problem occurs only in homepage ( setted in enfold options)


    I reactivated it, REMOVE UNUSED CSS for homepage



    The mobile menu and accordion element seems to be working correctly when we rechecked the site. Did you disable the option again? Please provide the login details in the private field so that we toggle the option while checking the site.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    I send you credentials



    Thank you for the info.

    The option “removed unused css” is enabled for the home page and the elements (accordion, mobile menu) are still working correctly. Please make sure to purge the cache before testing the page or switch to incognito mode.

    Best regards,


    Plese see it logout.
    The problem occurs


    When I check the option “removed unused css” is enabled and the burger menu seems to work correctly when I check logged out.

    Best regards,


    Homepage - burger menu
    Please see this image, don’t you see it in this way in homepage?


    Yes you are correct, I reviewed the classes in the CSS safelist for the Wp Rocket REMOVE UNUSED CSS option and added a few more and now the burger menu looks correct when I open it on my Android device in a incognito tab when not logged in, this is what I see:


    Please note that testing with iPads & iPhones can be hard to clear the cache, often you need to also clear the history to fully purge the cache, following these steps for Safari and note Step 4 where you will Clear the History.

    Best regards,


    hi thanks for support.. i tried and it works.
    I’m replicating these options in an other website but it doesn’t work.. did you do other changes? do i must carefull to set other options in wp rocket or in theme settings?


    This was the only change that I made, perhaps all of the WP Rocket setting need to match, or perhaps you need to purge the WP Rocket cache a few times.

    Best regards,


    Sorry but i re-checked all settings (both wp rocket and theme) but are the same but the exclusion list doesn’t work.
    I cleared Cloudflare and Wp rocket’s cache


    I added these two classes and it seems to work now


    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    I tried but doesn’t work for homepage.
    It works only for the other pages.


    Odd, the homepage uses the same classes as the other pages, I added a couple more


    and cleared your WP Rocket cache & cloudflare cache and checked on a incognito browser and it seems to be working.

    Best regards,

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