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  • #474352


    Are there any Enfold users in this forum who are using the WP-Rocket cache Plugin?

    Do you have any advice on the best settings?

    Thanks in advance


    Thanx Yigit,

    Let’s see and wait if there are also others.




    Sure, we will keep the thread open :)



    I use WP Rocket and have not found the perfect settings for it. Setting the WP Rocket settings too strict (minify both css and js) leads to unreachable website (502 Bad Gateway). I would love to hear which css and js related to Enfold should be left out of the minification process.


    Hello Manuelap,

    As far as I could figure out. My setting are:
    Files optimization:
    I switched on:
    -HTML (inline css and JS), google Fonts and css.
    -mobile cache

    In the Advance part:
    Prefetch DNS requests://ajax.googleapis.com

    and on CDN
    Enable CDN (which is hosted by MAXcdn

    Unfortunately I have no knowledge of the JS part and deferred loading etc.

    Lazy Load is breaking the Masonry gallery (which I use )

    I tested my site with tools.pingdom.com and these settings are for my site the fastest.




    @Roger Thanks for sharing. We can’t really provide support for this 3rd party plugin. You would need to test it yourself or ask WP Rocket support about this.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Andy.

    Hi, I know this is an old thread ,but I’ve only just installed WP Rocket on my 13 sites.. and wow! Love it :) my sites are all rediculously fast now

    Although I’m having issues with the ENFOLD mega menu on all the sites (that have them) the standard menu loads fine, but the mega menu is squashed onto the left hand side and cut off. If I switch off javascript minification then it works again.

    Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Y7rRWX2.png

    I need a comprehensive list of all javscript and css which is loaded in the theme and what they all do if possible? So I can tweak the settings



    Please create a new ticket and post a link to your site so we can take a closer look at this issue.

    Best regards,


    Great, thanks Vinay. Please see login details below. Bizarrely it only seems to be happeneing on the home page. I cleared all content and the menu worked again, but I couldnt really seem to find the culprit!



    It’s the minification that is causing the issue. Please disable it then install the following plugin.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/bwp-minify/

    Add this code in the functions.php file before activation:

    add_filter('bwp_minify_style_ignore', 'avf_exclude_my_css');
    function avf_exclude_my_css($excluded)
        $excluded = array('avia-custom', 'avia-layout');
        return $excluded;

    And this configurations in the .htaccess file:

    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
      ExpiresActive On
      <filesMatch "\.(js)$"> 
        ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 days 1 hour" 
      ExpiresDefault "access plus 7 days 1 hour" 
      ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 month 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 month 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 month 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 month 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access plus 1 day 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 7 day 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 7 days 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType text/js "access plus 7 days 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 7 days 1 hour"
      ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 7 days 1 hour"



    I’ve been using it (WPR) successfully on enfold sites with css minify enabled for about a year – it’s a great all in one solution for caching / minification and worth the premium imho.

    However the css minification seems to fail with latest Enfold version for some reason – will try to identify the cause when I have some time.



    Thank you very much for do letting us know!
    WP-Rocket has also worked out some of it compatibility with Themes that are Top in their area, like Enfold.
    Thank you!



    Thanks for your help, but I would rather not have to use another plugin to do what I’ve already paid WP Rocket to do :)

    I can add a list of CSS files to exlcude from minification, could someone please let me know what CSS file loads the megamenu? That’s all I need, thank you


    i use wp rocket to and i can confirm the css minification breaks the website since last update of enfold



    Please refer to the following link:

    // http://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/19-resolving-issues-with-minification

    Please exclude the layout.css file and dynamic stylesheet that is located in the wp-content > dynamic_avia directory..

    Best regards,


    Thought I’d add this – just in from WPR – as may be relevant to you:

    You are receiving this email because WP Rocket causes a slight minification issue for those of you running WP Rocket version 2.9.6 or 2.9.7.
    We have been working on improving our compatibility with the Sucuri plugin (specifically the minification aspect) and it caused a few issues on some client websites.

    As a result, we quickly fixed any problems with the version 2.9.8. of WP Rocket.

    If your website has been acting up in the following ways:

    403 errors on minified files
    Pages not displaying properly

    You need to update to the 2.9.8 version.

    Updating WP Rocket is easy: all you need to do is update WP Rocket in your WordPress.

    If you have not noticed anything wrong on your website, this update can wait.


    Wp-rocket 2.9.8 did not fix the issue of Enfold 4.0.2. As it mentioned –
    Fix: image URL in Envira Gallery Lightbox was incorrectly rewritten when using a CDN

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Anderson C.


    : Thank you for the info.

    @Chowdhury: Please create a new thread with the url to the page with the issue. We don’t provide support for third party plugins but we’ll try to help as much as possible.




    As a quick update ( for the google refering also )
    WPRocket Team has worked with us and we have identify an issue, that Kriesi is going to solve on next release.

    Thanks a lot for your understanding



    Hi, I have WP Rocket plugin installed but I’m having a few issues with it working with Enfold. What is the best way to get around the Masonry Gallery not displaying the images correctly?




    Can you please start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and elaborate on the issues you are having and attach temporary admin logins in private content field? :)

    Best regards,

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