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  • #795771

    Enfold Theme v4.0.7 – [with child theme set active]
    WP Pro Advertising Plugin v5.1.9

    Hey guys, just after some assistance when tryign to place a background advert in to one of my pages using the WP Pro Advertising plugin shortcode into to one of my sites built with Enfold.

    If I place the advert in its normal state (non background variant) I can see the advert fine, however as soon as i switch the shortcode to include “background=1” the whole advert disappears.

    Is there any special place, element, div that I need to use to display the adverts correctly ?

    Any help with this would greatly be apreciated even if its just a point in the right direction.

    Many kind regards


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Skuff. Reason: Corrected Version Details

    Hey Skuff,

    I’m not sure how that plugin works unfortunately, could you try to explain the problem a bit further please? Also please provide us with details we would need to check it in private. I think you should contact the plugin authors as well since they know their product better than we do.

    Best regards,


    HI Rikard,

    Thanks for getting back to me on this topic any please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    As suggested I have been in contact with the plugin author “tunafish” regarding using the plugin with Enfold.

    After having them look at the site and try a few things with the plugin, they got back to me with the following:

    [Begin Tunafish quote]

    The problem here is that your theme is 100% width so the content is overlapping the #main container. That’s why you don’t see the #main container’s background. If I hide the content background you see that the background banner is actually showing fine it’s just getting invisible because your content is 100% width and has a white background.”null

    [End Tunafish quote]

    I then switched the theme to the Boxed layout informed them again, this was their reply.

    [Begin Tunafish quote]

    Unfortunately, the boxed template doesn’t help as it resizes the main body tag as well so the same problem occurs The background banner is showing fine but the content still overlaps.

    Themes shouldn’t resize the main body tag and only resize the main container. But in your case with your themes setup, I’m afraid background ads will not be possible as it’s either all fullwidth or all boxed.”
    [End Tunafish quote]

    Not wanting to admit defete at this point i did some digging and came across some advice to set the advert to load on the html DOM
    Background ad displaying but not clickable.

    This managed to get the banner displaying however it’s not clickable, i have left Tunafish a reply asking for additional help on this but though to update yourselves and see if there was a solution you may know of.

    long shot i know, any ideas guys, any help is so very appreciated!

    kind regards




    Unfortunately it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However if its really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Thank you for getting back to me about the issue, I completely understand about the time constrictions and as such it not being some thing you offer via support.

    Just so that I have an idea, how much would the charge be, and what kind of time fraim would i be looking at from completion for this kind of customization ?

    Thank you, kind regards



    Hi Lee,

    You could request a quote here and ask for the timeframe.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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