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  • #850132

    Hi there,

    I’ve been looking through the forums but couldn’t find an answer to this…I’ve just installed the WP Job Manager plugin that seems to work pretty well with Enfold with one exception…

    On individual job listings, it uses the company logo as a featured image – distorting it at the top of the post (see link in private message).

    Is there any way to tell Enfold not to show a featured image for this post type please? (I’d like to still have featured images for regular blog posts).

    Thanks in advance,



    Hey sjwmobile,

    Add the following to quick css. It should only target the job postings:

    article.job_listing.type-job_listing .big-preview.single-big{

    That should be about all you need to get the results you want. Let me know if this works for you.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Perfect, thanks Jordan.

    Is there a way I can edit the template that’s associated with individual job listings do you know? Ideally I’d like to add a right sidebar to them (that’s different to the sidebar I’ll use for the blog section) – appreciate any advice you can give.




    Hi Sam,

    You can change the Sidebar Settings of that page and choose what widget area you want to use, you can create a customized widget area if you don’t want the existing ones.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks for your response. But how do you do this? The individual job pages have no option for sidebars within WordPress so assume I have to specify a sidebar somewhere in source code?




    Hi Sam,

    Can you give us temporary admin access? so we can check the backend.

    Best regards,


    Sure – have set you up with admin level access (see private message)





    I see what you mean, for the single job listing to have a sidebar, you would first need to use a child theme: (instructions as well as the child theme is available in the link).

    Next you need to create a file and call it sidebar.php and paste this code:
    Then create another file and call it single-job_listing.php and paste this code:
    This will allow you to use Sidebar Blog in Appearance > Widgets. Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks for this. I’ve moved to the child theme and updated all my settings successfully.Have created those two .php files directly within the wp-content/themes/enfold-child directory.

    I can now see a sidebar on individual job listings, but I’m not sure how I edit this? I’d like that sidebar to be unique to the job pages of the site… so not just the ‘display everywhere’ sidebar.

    An aside, but how do I change the sidebar associated within individual blog posts also? (without using the ‘display everywhere’ sidebar)





    This plugin should help you with that.


    You can use conditional function like “is_single( ID HERE )” or “is_page( ID HERE )” to control the visibility of the widgets in the sidebar area.


    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael. Installed the Widget Logic plugin, but unsure where I add the conditional statements?
    If I wanted individual sidebars for both the individual job pages and individual blog posts – where (and what) conditional statements should I add please?

    Really appreciate your help.




    In the widgets, you’ll find a new conditional logic field. You can use the “is_page()” for pages and “is_single()” or “is_singular()” conditional function for the posts.


    Best regards,

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