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  • #877825

    This is an emergency issue!
    After installing WP 4.9, the page editors – either Standard or Avia Layout Architect don’t work any more!
    The loading symbol (circle) is rotating all the time, nothing happens.

    I deactivated all plugins, without success.

    Pages cannot be edited any more!

    The contect of the site is still working, but not editable.

    Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Thanks!


    I think I have found out something special. The standard language of my site is ‘Deutsch – Sie’ (German formal).
    That doesn’t work with Enfold on WP 4.9.
    Now I switched the language tu ‘Deutsch’ – and all works again. So I can access the pages again, althoug the Mediathek.

    But where is the problem? WP 4.9, Enfold 4.2? PHP is 7.0.24



    i have the same problems.
    but i changed to Deutsch and now work all fine, thx for this tipp :)


    Same Problem – several Buttons didn’t work anymore after the Update !
    Switched the language from Deutsch Sie to Deutsch and it worked !


    Same problem here, on several websites. Please fix this issue as soon as possible. Thanks!


    Hi rethornman,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Everyone else posting in this thread: please open separate threads and include admin login details so that we can access the backend of your sites. Posting things like “I have the same problem” helps no one and only adds clutter to threads.

    Here are some general debugging you can try out: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/my-enfold-layout-builder-is-not-loading-properly/

    Best regards,


    Hello There,

    I am using WPML and there is also the same problem.
    The site looks ok in German and French it is ok but not in english ?
    Is there any fix ?

    Thanks and Regards

    >>>>>>>>>> Nevermind, W3 Total Cache caused the problem

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by koronz.

    Hi koronz,

    Great, glad you found the cause of the problem and thanks for sharing.

    Best regards,


    Hi @Rikard,

    I opened a thread here:

    The problem is temporarly solved – it was caused by the non-standard language setting, in my case “German-formal”.

    I switched to normal German, but please fix this issue; I need to be able to switch back to formal.



    Hi cherrmann,

    Thanks for sharing, it looks like this is a core problem then unfortunately. I think the only solutions would to roll back to WP 4.8.3 or change the language into the informal version then.

    Best regards,


    I have the same problem…in Norwegian…it also does not help to change to any other languages…Please let us know if this is something you are working on?


    Hi limedrop,

    Thanks for providing the login details, I have checked it and it works properly on my end. Is this already fixed?

    Best regards,

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