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  • #1084245

    I have narrowed down that the issue is a theme issue. I had disabled all of my plug-ins, and that didn’t fix the issue, and I switched from using the Enfold theme, over to Twenty Nineteen, so that I could troubleshoot, and everything started working. I had also seen posts on this issue, and pertaining to the Enfold theme, but nothing useful for me as far as a solution.

    When I am in WordPress, and I go into one of many pages I have, the actual edit screen loads, but not the edit area. I have a screenshot of the issue, if one is needed. One of the pages (there’s a few that are doing this) is my “About GTS” page. I have provided you with login credentials if that will help as well.


    Hey therealcrazy8,

    We apologize for the delayed response.
    Can you provide the login link as well?

    Best regards,


    Oh yeah duh, sorry about that.


    Hi therealcrazy8, YOu need to have this set to the Classic editor. Please try changing this setting and see if the issue persists.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately, This is still happening even after making the change you recommended. :(



    Thanks for the update, I can’t log in to your site since there is a captcha field but it doesn’t give anything to put into it?

    Hover or click the text box below

    ERROR: Incorrect CAPTCHA Entered.

    Best regards,


    I have included the needed info. Thank you. Let me know if there’s any issues. :)



    Thanks for that. It looks to be an SSL problem, please see private. What happens if you set your site address and location to https instead? /wp-admin/options-general.php

    Best regards,

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