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  • #1471775

    Hi all… I’m a bit lost.
    I’ve updated a site with WordPress 6.7 and all the layout builder disappear and I see only white pages…
    This will be fixed?
    I use the Gutenberg editor for the blog area so is really important to be able to use Enfold like before with Gutenberg

    Thanks for help



    I had the same problem with one instance running Enfold 6.0.6 after updating to WordPress 6.7. To solve the problem I had to downgrade WP to 6.6.2.

    Interesting is, that we are running a lot of other instances with Enfold 6.0.6 and WP6.7 even some of them are on the same physical hosting without any problems. This issue is very strange.

    All the best



    If you have selected to deactivate the LayerSlider in the theme options and if you are using the Block Editor, then we are aware of the problem. If that is not the case, then we would need to have a closer look at your sites.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thank you for your reply. Well that’s really the cause of the issue. On the other tested sites there are other plugins active.

    E.g.: Smash Balloon Instagram Feed or WP Grid Builder. If I deactivate them the problem is caused. So it’s a very interesting bug, but good
    to know the current workaround.

    All the best



    Thanks for the update. This snippet will enable you to disable the block editor for post types, if you should be interested in that:

    add_theme_support( 'avia_gutenberg_post_type_support' );

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    yes, I tried the snippet and it works as promised. Before that I updated WP to the newest version 6.7.1, but without the snippet the problem remains.
    Bist wishes,



    Thanks for the update. We are looking for a permanent solution, but for now this is the best that we’ve got.

    Best regards,


    With latest update everything is ok. Case closed.
    Thanks all!


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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