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  • #314110

    Wordpress 4.0
    Enfold 2.9.2
    Verified on 2 different installations on two different hosts. (both litespeed servers)
    Toggled all plugins off to check
    Yes I am aware of the conflict with WordPress SEO by yoast. One of the sites has a rolled back version of the plugin.
    Yes I have looked at several pages in the admin area on both installations to see if it could be something within that page like the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin conflicted with.

    The WordPress 4.0 update caused the Avia Layout Builder to become inaccessible. You can see it. There is a spinning wheel of death in the template builder WYSIWYG area but nothing is clickable. You can’t edit or change and current content. WordPress SEO module is also inoperative and not longer visible (like it has been collapsed).

    If you add a new page you can see the WYSIWG dialog box and type in it but the advance layout builder is inoperable. WordPress SEO by Yoast is also collapsed.

    I have another site using another theme and it is okay. Sorry.

    The front end public site appears to look okay but unable to check underlying SEO code.

    I guess it serves me right for jumping on the upgrade. Still love your theme though.

    UPDATE: Rolled back to WP 3.9.2 and the problem resolved so I suspect that it is a WP 4.0 conflict. I have seen the other threads on this. I “could” be a conflict with litespeed servers but I just guessing as I have turned off all plugins in both sites to check if it is a plugin conflict and it appears to not be with my installations.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by Josue.

    Hey TheMediaman!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    I tested WP 4.0 on my installation and the advance layout builder is still working. I’m not sure about server incompatibility. Have you tried testing it on a blank or fresh template? If possible, please create a staging or test site.

    Best regards,


    I tested a fresh version of WordPress 4.0 & Enfold 2.9.2 locally.
    Works correctly. Avia page layout is visible.

    But the site page editor on my live local site has this problem. Its been updated to wp4 & Enfold 2.9.2 (site is local)

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    btw… the ftp theme video mentions a Versions document which can be used to check folders that have been upgraded. There is not a Version document in the Enfold update 2.9.2


    This problem started immeditately after installing wordpress 4.0


    All plugins deactivated and still problem continues.

    I made changes to the footer.php to custom the link / url details.

    Thats all.


    using child theme

    Mediaman….hope you dont mind i get involved here. Hopefully we can all benefit from a solution. :)


    I downgraded for the time being and also as a test. Worked fine.



    So far we have no actual bugs found with Enfold version 2.9.2 and WordPress 4.0. Each instance has been resolved with updating, deactivating other plugins or updating a plugin.

    For a local installation there is very little we could do to debug it since local server setup can vary so widely.

    The version.txt comes in the full download of the theme you can get from your downloads on themeforest. It isn’t in the theme folder by itself.



    There are two options. Download Enfold (green button) or Install theme (blue button)

    I used Finder to search the unzipped contents. I couldn’t find a version.txt file
    but did find an update.txt file.


    Under your downloads on ThemeForest you have a green button for “Download”. When you click on it there is a dropdown with 3 options: All files & documentation, Installable WordPress file only, License certificate & purchase code.

    The first option for All files & documentation should have the change log in it.


    I have the same Problem. Not only the Advanced Layout-Builder is inaccessible, but the Theme-Options as well.


    Make sure you are using Enfold version 2.9.2 and all plugins are either deactivated or have been updated to work with WordPress 4.0.


    I had the same issue after upgrading to 4.0. I turned off ALL plugins, upgraded enfold, same issue continued.

    I then RE-updated 4.0 wordpress and closed browser (cleared cache) and opened again, it works for me, however, a customer who I made the site for still sees the spinning wheel of death. I have asked them to clear their cache and try again. will update.

    For those who are following the directions to clear, dont forget to clear cache (and close ALL browsers, if your like me several open at once they retain the cache until closed) then try again. works now for me (just not customer whom it is most important for.

    I can confirm 100% that it occurred for me today after updating WordPress and wasnt cleared until after Enfold was updated and WordPress Re-Installed.

    UPDATE: Customer cleared browser cache and is now working again for her.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by tntcoach.
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