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  • #754772


    Just another user here but are you on WP 4.7.2 and Enfold 4.0.2? If not I would start there. If so, then its time to look at the plugins. Disable them one at a time or al at once and then turn them back on one at a time and see when the issues return.

    That’s how I approach it.



    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for advice. I have the latest versions of WP and Enfold. Unfortunately, turning off the plugins did not help. Any other ideas?



    Are you talking about the headers in the Advanced Layout Editor edit screens? If so I just got that on one of my sites too. Now, I am only getting it on my one site that is on HostGator, I am not getting it on my GoDaddy or WP Engine sites. The first thing I will check in the morning is the PHP version.

    Also I would start a new thread as this thread really isn’t the right spot for this issue. Shoot me a message when you do (michael(at)michael albany.com) and I will make at least two sites available to Kriese so they can compare the two.

    FYI it will be about 8 hours or so before I am back online to add that info.


    Yep. It’s a PHP issue. The one site I was having issues with was running 5.2. When upgraded to 5.4, perfect.


    Hi @simagald,

    Did you get your issues sorted out? If not then please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Thanks @MichaelAlbany for helping out :-)

    Best regards,


    @Rikard – My pleasure. You can take the tech out of support, but you can’t take the support out of the tech!


    After installing the update I issued some problems with the preview image of blog posts.
    They have become bigger, I would like to have the original size. When I go to “Blog Layout” and change to “small preview image” or “big preview image” nothing happens.
    Thanks in advance to the support team!


    Hi @JSteinruck,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look. If you have a screenshot highlighting the problem it would help us understand your problem better.

    Best regards,


    Hi all,

    Running Enfold 4.0.5 and WordPress 4.7.3 (latest) and the Avia building is not behaving well. I have no plugins installed.

    For example, in the color section does not display the faint background image in the page builder. Instead, I get a link under it that states “Section content hidden. Click here to show it” when I click it, does nothing.

    Also, when I try to edit a “Special Heading” it opens without the preview section on the right.



    fulanoinc Check your PHP version. I think you will find you are using something less than 5.6. I would update that first. Then again, I am not a support tech for Kriesi, Hell. I’m not a support tech for anyone anymore! But that is what worked for me, updating to 5.4/5.6 depending on the site.


    Thanks Michael,

    I will check and see. Would also like to know if anyone else is experiencing this as well.



    My host is currently on PHP 5.6. So is it now a PHP 7 upgrade issue?


    I was running into a lot of odd display errors that were resolved when I disabled W3 Total Cache. I see several posts in various places on the forums where people mention they are running it so I thought I’d contribute. I went through my site enabling and disabling plugins testing, and every time I’d activate W3 I’d have issues. I had no issues until I updated Enfold and Woo to current versions. I have been running PHP 7 on my hosting account for awhile now too. I don’t know if it’s W3, Enfold, Woo, or a combination of multiple issues in my case, but disabling W3 has solved all problems for me.


    Hi @torndownunit,

    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated. Maybe you could try another caching plugin to see if that works better?

    Best regards,


    Yes, that’s the plan. I just thought I’d maybe post this because I see multiple threads with people having issues after the updates, who also happen to list W3 Total Cache installed on their site. Could be worth trying to see if it has any effects. Thanks!



    Yes, that is always a good idea. Caching plugins are good but sometimes they can cause trouble as well.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I updated to Enfold Version 4.0.5 (running WordPress 4.7.3) and since then, I have been experiencing different problems.

    1) Masonry Gallery doesn’t show most of the times, sometimes you can see only half of the picture and you’re not able to click on them.

    2) Animated Numbers doesn’t work.

    3) Social Network icons doesn’t show.

    Thank you.



    Please, may you check your cache? Because I`ve checked your site and all is working normally..

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    The Masonry Gallery has a lot of problems since 4.0.5

    See also here


    I am just a user of the theme but I have to say that any issues you are having with the Masonry Gallery is not the version (4.0.5), at least in my case. I use it for blog posts, and a ton of images on 25 different site (yes I bought the theme 25 times), and I have zero issues.

    Here is a list of the plugins I use.

    AWeber Web Forms
    Better Analytics
    Featured Image in RSS Feed
    Google analyticator
    Really Simple SSL
    Really Simple SSL Pro
    TinyMCE Advanced
    Transient Manager
    WP Meta SEO
    Yoast SEO Premium

    What is loaded but not activated:

    Google Analytics Dashboard
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Media Library Assistant
    P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)
    Theme Check
    Under Construction
    Yoast SEO

    These are all on one site with no issues. These are used in different combinations on all 25 sites, not all of them and mostly not the same ones loaded.

    I don’t use a cache plugin. I am using PHP 5.6.

    There is a good base for you all to start with. But I can certify, its not the theme or theme framework directly. There has to be a conflict somewhere.

    Side note:

    Hosting providers:
    GoDaddy – 20
    HostGator – 3
    1ON1 – 1
    – 2

    PS – If you have questions let me know. I have one license I use for testing so if you want me to try some plugin, and I have time, I will be happy to. Again, I do not work for Kriesi. They have created a great product and I am just willing to help out.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by MichaelAlbany.

    I am just adding on to MichaelAlbany’s post, the masonry gallery is working fine on my site and a clients site running the theme. Both running current version of Enfold. In my case I am running PHP 7 on the sites. Just clarifying because “a lot of problems” is mentioned above, but only a single support thread link. Thanks.


    Hi josecamejo,

    Please start a separate thread to avoid confusion.

    Best regards,


    Hi guys,

    I updated to the Enfold latest version on single wordpress sites and it all seems to run well with WP 4.7.4

    The exception being WP Multisite installs.

    Here’s what i see (besides having a pile of server errors that I don’t know if they are theme related yet – under investigation with host and they come from both single site and multisite installs):
    1- Font Sizes have increased in size (not inside of the settings but on how they are rendered) I had to manually adjust them on all the sites.
    2- Sliders stopped rendering properly on mobile unless you set the minimal height (which I did)
    3- Images do not follow the constraints set and appear blurry and take over the whole space on the page (I have not found a solution to this one yet, please help)
    a- http://hispanic-marketing.com (I had to force 2 column display as it started displaying 3 columns and the images were really not the proper size)
    b- http://hispanic-marketing.com/how-to-successfully-market-to-latinos-on-pinterest/ I always have a top image flushed right with a 400 to 450px width that allows for text to wrap around it. Image now takes over 90% of the space on all blog posts that have this type of image

    4- You can see how font-size is now larger than life (I still need to go into the site and modify font-sizes)
    5- I usually update the theme manually for me and for my clients but I set one of my clients to manually update with her own license and her Enfold version does not read 4.0.5, her is 3.8.4. Which version is she running?

    Thank you!!



    I had both the font size issues, and the slider issues you had on a single site install. I had to set font sizes with CSS in several WooCommerce sections because the product title fonts were huge on my shop page and category pages, and tiny on pages that listed products.


    Hi, with all the woocommerce update, the main product picture is FUZZY. What should I do? All products main images
    T78cs  main image


    For those who have main product image fuzzy, if you don’t want to implement the solutions shared on this forum, you can also switch to advanced layout editor and use Enfold’s format. Images will look amazing then!


    “I was running into a lot of odd display errors that were resolved when I disabled W3 Total Cache. I see several posts in various places on the forums where people mention they are running it so I thought I’d contribute. I went through my site enabling and disabling plugins testing, and every time I’d activate W3 I’d have issues. I had no issues until I updated Enfold and Woo to current versions. I have been running PHP 7 on my hosting account for awhile now too. I don’t know if it’s W3, Enfold, Woo, or a combination of multiple issues in my case, but disabling W3 has solved all problems for me.”

    That was my problem, too. Disabled W3 cache and everything is fine again! Phew… :-)
    Thank you torndownunit!


    No problem Sandra, glad it helped. I’d say it’s likely that it may have been specific settings in W3 causing issues, but I sure couldn’t find what they were. Disabling it was a much easier fix hah.

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