Just installed Wootickets with Woocalender plus Woocommerce and am having display issues. some of it was being caused by Yoast plugins but they have now been given the boot. Tried using Twenty Twelve and that sorted the problem out ..just. Still have to resolve multiple tickets not showing.
However the display issue remains with Enfold as can be seen on the ticket page the dates are not displaying correctly as are the ticket(s) at the bottom of the page. The ticket(s) at the bottom of the page should be styled as woocommerce??
Do you know what may be causing the problem??
Hey Richard!
We can’t access this page without an admin account (“You do not have permission to preview drafts.” error).
Best regards,
1) Try to add 2px padding to the dt elements – you can insert the code into the child theme style.css or quick css field:
.single-tribe_events #tribe-events-content .tribe-events-event-meta dt {
clear: left;
padding-top: 3px;
2) Yes, probably this would be the best styling but it seems like the Events plugin modifies the templates somehow which also breaks the default WooCommerce styling we use for grouped product tables, cart tables, checkout tables, etc.
We officially don’t support third party plugins and we also can’t help with such styling issues. If you want to change the styling of the tickets table you need to hire a freelancer. Personally I recommend to remove the table borders – then the default styling looks at least better:
table.tribe-events-tickets td, table.tribe-events-tickets tr, table.tribe-events-tickets th, table.tribe-events-tickets{
border: none !important;