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  • #1419182

    Hi Team Kriesi Support.

    With ENFOLD I get an issue with WooCommerce which I do not have with other Themes. Listen:
    Variable Product WITHOUT the Main «Product Picture» (this empty) the Image Swap of the Variations works fine in the Dropdown menu as it should, but «Product Gallery dissapears and Default WooCommerce Empty picture shows for «Choose an Option» (wähle eine Option) –> See Att. 01a and 01b
    –> And: Product Image Lightbox doesn’t work

    If I load a Default «Produktbild» (Product Image) in the right Sidebar under Produktbild, the Gallery appears and the lightbox works, BUT the Variations IMAGE Swap doesn’t work anymore. Att. 01c

    How can I achieve for WooCommerce «Variable Products»
    1. An IMAGE Swap for Product Variations (Every variation comes with its own picture) BUT with a Default «Product Picture» (Produktbild) AND Lightbox (AND Image Gallery but this is optional)?

    Problem: Variable Products Image Swapping ONLY works, when Default «Produktbild» is empty. But Lightbox for Product Pictures AND Gallery ONLY Works with a Default «Produktbild» set. See attachements
    Any ideas or PHP Snippets? If I get a PHP Snippet for the empty Default picture, that will be fine.

    Thank you


    Hey Steve,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You might need to switch to the default WooCommerce 3.0 product gallery option in Enfold > Shop Options > Product Gallery settings. This will display the default product gallery with standard functionality like variation image switching and product image zoom.

    Best regards,


    This is it! I wasn’t aware about this function.
    Thank you ;-)


    Glad Ismael could help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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