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  • #622380


    I would like to use avia builder to create single product page. Alright I use Plugin Additions elements, but how can I show product image and product gallery images on the page? I dont want to select the images again in an avia element (for example gallery etc), I would like use… for example a shortcode with auto detected product ID. Can you help me?

    I read this, but nothing:

    Please check my mockup, please help me

    Kind regards,


    Hey Peter!

    What you want to achive, is not possible with that way.
    WooCommerce areas, are not included as per that type of modification.

    Please let us know if you need anything else where we can assist you further.

    Best regards,


    Alright, you can close tis topic, thank you.

    Hava a nice day! :)

    Kind regards

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