I have updated the enfold theme this weekend and now I see that when I add something to my shopping cart and later I want to delete product, the page turns blank. It won’t go back to shopping cart page. I haven’t added any new plugins.
Could you please advice what I need to do?
Hey Bo!
Thank you for using Enfold.
The login credentials above are not working. Please check.
UPDATE: We get an error in the console. It’s coming from a custom script:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function(){var t="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Transparent.gif",e=!0,o=new Image;o.src=t,$("img").live("mouseenter touchstart",function(){var o=$(this);if(!o.hasClass("Overlay")&&(e||o.hasClass("protectMe"))){var i=o.offset(),n=$('<img class="Overlay" src="'+t+'" width="'+o.width()+'" height="'+o.height()+'" />').css({position:"absolute",zIndex:9999999,left:i.left,top:i.top}).appendTo("body").bind("mouseleave",function(){setTimeout(function(){n.remove()},0,$(this))});"ontouchstart"in window&&$(document).one("touchend",function(){setTimeout(function(){n.remove()},0,n)})}})});
Best regards,