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  • #1433712

    Hi! I want to edit the product tabs shown in the frontend but they are not shown in the backend. How can I make it visible?



    Hey Soulshakin,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The content of the product tabs are created automatically based on the content of the product and its attributes, so you cannot edit them manually. If you want to add more tabs, you can use the following filter.

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'avia_new_product_tab' );
    function avia_new_product_tab( $tabs ) {
        $tabs['desc_tab'] = array(
            'title'     => __( 'Product Description', 'woocommerce' ),
            'priority'  => 50,
            'callback'  => 'avia_new_product_tab_content'
    function avia_new_product_tab_content()  {
        $prod_id = get_the_ID();
        echo ''.get_post_meta($prod_id,'product_description',true).'

    Or use the following plugin to modify the tabs.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-product-tabs/
    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/yikes-inc-easy-custom-woocommerce-product-tabs/

    Best regards,

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