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  • #1430771

    I have two installations with the same setup: enfold + woocommerce + (additional) product tabs.

    I updated one system to
    woocommerce 8.5.1
    – product tabs

    And now no tabs appear in the frontend. The not updated systems works.

    This is the code for the implementation in functions.php:

    // Produkt Tabs unter das Bild
    function av_woo_tabs_below() { 
        remove_action(    'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 1 );
        add_action(    'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_output_product_data_tabs', 20 );
    add_action( 'init', 'av_woo_tabs_below');

    Is there a new way to display the product tabs?


    Hey donillo,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The hook above should work as intended, but only for products that do not utilize the Advanced Layout Builder (ALB). For products created with the builder, you’ll need to manually recreate the product tabs using the available elements in the ALB.

    Best regards,


    But thats new, or why does it work in the older version? And now must I recreate all products? Thats insane, sorry…. :-(

    If that is the case, Enfold is dead and I have to look for a new theme…

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by donillo.

    Thats not a problem of wordpress, it is due to the WooCommerce Product Tabs plugin. With the new version the hook does not work :-(
    Any ideas? I will ask the plugin developer too.



    But thats new, or why does it work in the older version?

    Sorry for the confusion. That has been the default behavior since the beginning. You might have switched to the Advanced Layout Builder just recently. The hook doesn’t work when ALB is active because the page is rendered using a different template file instead of the default product templates.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your note. I figured out that the snippet never worked ;-)

    It´s a problem of the Plugin WooCommerce Product Tabs. In version 2.0.23 the tabs work, with the latest version it does not work… But I don´t know why.



    It´s a problem of the Plugin WooCommerce Product Tabs. In version 2.0.23 the tabs work, with the latest version it does not work… But I don´t know why.

    You may need to contact the plugin developers to learn more about the issue. But again, please note that the hook and the plugin will only work when the Classic or Block editor is active. Have you tried disabling the other plugins temporarily?

    Best regards,


    OK, it seems to be that the ALB do not work with the additional tabs. So I decided to do without ALB. But now no pictures appear on the product site? Whats wrong with woocommerce and Enfold? In a test version it works… Any ideas?


    Thank you for your patience, but the login that you posted above doesn’t work for this site so we can’t see the settings for the page.
    Please ensure that you have added a Product Image to the product, and if it still doesn’t show try disabling your plugins to see if there is a conflict.
    Otherwise please include an admin login in the Private Content area so we can investigate further.

    Best regards,

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