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  • #440051

    Hi There ~ per my topic title.. this is the issue.. the woocommerce product pricing is not showing up when using enfold’s advanced editor. I already contacted woocommerce and upon their research they discovered that this is apparently a known issue with the Enfold theme.. the problem is that I’m deeply in the production phase and assumed per all of your documentation that your theme fully supports woocommerce. so if your advanced editor cannot be used, this is a significant problem. Im hoping that perhaps you know of a solution? Below is a link to one product set up this way .. whereas the other products are set up with the simple editor and therefore the pricing can be seen:

    [ email from woocommerce support: ]

    Hi Nicole,

    I just did a quick Google search on the issue and found a Kriesi forum that mentions the same issue you are experiencing:

    It the information there does not help, the issue seems like it is an ongoing issue with their advanced editor. Perhaps contacting their support may be your best bet.

    Steve – WooCommerce Ninja
    WooThemes Support


    Hi nulrick!

    Switch to the “Plugin Additions” tab in the layout builder and you can drag the product button and product info elements to your content.

    Woocommerce also has shortcodes for displaying product information as well,



    no, that’s not the problem. I did drag the ‘product button’ and the ‘product info’ elements in to the content. The ‘product button’ should show the price as well as the buy button. The price is not showing up. I can send you my login info for you to see how I set up this product page (how can I send it privately?) :


    Hi there,
    I have the same problem using the template builder and try to use this woocommerce shortcode [add_to_cart id=”99″], changing the product id but now I have one add to cart from achive view and one from single product view. In additional the the achive view button is coming up before the price and need some css.
    Is there a possibility just showing the price ?


    Hi Im just following up with support .. what is the status? can I send you my login so you can see for yourself?


    if I check out your page I think it´s the same promlem. No price is comming up.
    Maybe this helps.
    – I use this woocommerce shortcode to show up the add to card button with price [add_to_cart id=”99″] in a text field
    – changend the id with my product id (find the product id by hovering over the product in product overview.)
    – then I put this code in my style css:
    .add_to_cart_button {
    .add_to_cart_inline {
    border: 0px!important;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-weight: bold;
    for me it works maybe it will help you too.



    Duplicate post:

    We’ll close this one now.


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