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  • #610858


    I would like to do an avia product list with an ‘add item to cart’ icon. I use avia product list element for woocommerce.
    I know I can choose between two options: link to single page or add item to cart, but I would like title link to single page and a cart icon for add item to cart.

    How can I do this? Please check my mockup
    Please help me, its very important for me.

    Best regards,


    Hey Peter!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This is possible but you have to modify the config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > productslider.php file. Look for this block of code:

    $text .= $image;
    					$text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-item-inner'>";
    					$text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-title-container'><div class='av-catalogue-title av-cart-update-title'>{$title}</div><div class='av-catalogue-price av-cart-update-price'>{$price}</div></div>";
    					$text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-content'>{$content}</div>";
    					$text .= "</div>";

    You can add the add to cart markup inside that container.



    Thank you, I will try :)
    Can I copy productslider.php to child folder? Or when I goning to update Enfold I should add this code again?

    Best regards


    Thank you! I have child shordcode folder.. its cool :)

    I changed this line:

    $text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-title-container'><div class='av-catalogue-title av-cart-update-title'>{$title}</div><div class='av-catalogue-price av-cart-update-price'>{$price}</div><div class='cws-add-to-cart'>{$add_to_cart}</div></div>";

    But I would like the cart icon and the price in one line.
    How can I do this?

    .cws-add-to-cart:before {
        content: "\e859";
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';
        font-size: 24px;
        margin-left: 95%;

    And what can I use instead of $product_category and $add_to_cart or $cart_buttons? I tried to use these but do not work…. :(
    I wolud like to use one icon for add-to-cart and another one icon to link to single-product-page for details.

    Best regards



    Add this in the Quick CSS field to align the elements:

    .av-catalogue-title {
        padding-right: 120px;
    .av-catalogue-price {
        right: 50px;
    .cws-add-to-cart {
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        top: 0;

    Adjust the values as needed. You may have to add css media queries to adjust their position on smaller screens.




    UPDATE: I checked the product list markup and I just realized that the whole item is wrapped inside the link tag so you can’t add another link to it. You have to choose between the add to cart url or the link to the actual product page.



    Thank you! :)
    And If I do a new markup in the php? Its hard or not?
    Something like this? $cws-add-to-cart-url = $product->add_to_cart_url();

    global $product;
    					$link 	= 	$product->add_to_cart_url();
    					$ajax_class = 'add_to_cart_button product_type_simple';
    					$text	= "";
    					$title 	= 	get_the_title();
                                            $cws-add-to-cart-url = $product->add_to_cart_url();
    					$content = 	get_the_excerpt();
    					$price = 	$product->get_price_html();
    					$rel   = "";
    						$cart_url = get_the_permalink();
    						$ajax_class = "";
    						$cart_url = $product->add_to_cart_url();
    						$ajax_class = $product->is_purchasable() ? "add_to_cart_button" : "";
    						$rel = $product->is_purchasable() ? "rel='nofollow'" : "";
    					$image = get_the_post_thumbnail($product->id, 'square', array('class'=>"av-catalogue-image av-cart-update-image av-catalogue-image-{$show_images}"));
    					$text .= $image;
    					$text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-item-inner'>";
    					$text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-title-container'><div class='av-catalogue-title av-cart-update-title'>{$title}</div><div class='av-catalogue-price av-cart-update-price'>{$price}</div></div>";
    					$text .= "<div class='av-catalogue-content'>{$content}</div>";
    					$text .= "<div class='cws-add-to-cart'>{$cws-add-to-cart-url}</div>";
    					$text .= "</div>";



    Hi Ismael,

    can you may let me know how to remove the link tag of the items in the product list element ?

    i wanna display everything like it is i just wanna get rid of the link. ( no add to cart option no view single product page )

    RESOLVED GOT IT MANAGED – edited the sprintf

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Shorty05.


    : Please review our last post:

    : Glad that you figured it out. :)


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