I have created a product in woocommerce with variations, it is a cheese that is sold whole or cut into pieces, these are the two variations, each with its price and photo.
The problem I have is that when it shows the categories the product appears without a photo and if I put a photo of the general product when choosing any of the two options, the photo of the chosen variation does not appear.
How can i fix this? The main image of the product appears and when the customer chooses a product option, the image of that option appears.
I hope your help, thank you.
Hey Carlos,
Variations work with the WooCommerce gallery, not Enfold’s gallery so you need to switch in the Theme Options > Shop Options > Product gallery.
Best regards,
Thanks for your help, I have changed it and it works, but another problem arose, now a sidebar appears on the left below the image that shows the categories and products and I don’t want it to appear, … how can I remove that sidebar ?
you can see what i mean in this link
It’s already solved thank you very much
Great, I’m glad that you found a solution and thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.
Best regards,
All resolved, you can close the issue.
Thanks for your help.
If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon