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  • #1137651

    I have set up Woocommerce Product Filters on my site, which allows for product category and attribute filters on the sidebar, which auto generates filtered results in the main Shop content area. However, when I use the default Enfold Woocommerce pagination on the page, I don’t see the next page of filtered results, only the default list of products with no filters applied. Please advise the best way to get the Enfold pagination to follow the user’s filters and regenerate pagination per results.


    Hey coolhatwebdesign,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Link attached in Private.

    You can reproduce the problem by selecting any kind of filter from the right sidebar (Publisher, Character, Type) and then try to navigate to Page 2 of the results. The store pagination does not update as we select the filters, so we don’t see paginated results of our filters.

    Please let me know when you have completed testing on my site so that I can re-enable the Coming Soon plugin.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by coolhatwebdesign. Reason: request to be notified when testing of page is complete so I can restore the Coming Soon landing page for the site


    Thank you for the update.

    Looks like you have to filter the items again after going to the next page. We set the publisher to “Marvel” in the initial page and as we went to the next page, the filter reverted back to default. We had to filter the items again. We might not be able to help you with the issue because the filter is not from the theme. It’s a default feature of WooCommerce.(see private field)

    Best regards,


    I was under the impression that the pagination of products, along with pagination of any filtered results, was a feature of how Enfold displays Shop product results. I will follow up with WooCommerce support about this instead. Thank you for taking a look and confirming it’s not your theme causing the problem.



    Thank you for the update.

    The issue here is that the pagination ignores the URL query, so the filters are gone once you go to the next or previous pages. You have to find a way to apply the current query to the pagination links. It can be done via JavaScript.

    Best regards,

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