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  • #372613

    I’m using Enfold-Theme with WooCommerce, WPML and WooCommerce Multilingual; newest Versions of theme and plugins.

    A) I am trying to translate a WooCommerce-product from German to French using the product translation of WooCommerce Multilingual. I’m clicking on “edit translation”, then in the column “Content” on “edit translation”.
    I expect to see in the upper part of the screen the original text, in the lower part of the screen the visual editor, where I can enter my translation.
    Instead the visual editor seems to be inactive (shows no toolbar) and it is impossible to enter text. Same with the text editor. Also it is impossible to close the screen. Habe to reload to go back to WC Multilingual.
    The funny thing: It does not always happen, just most of the time. And it happens in IE, Firefox, Chrome.
    The funny detail: When I try to edit a normal page, the wordpress editor shows in text-mode, not as usually in visual-mode.
    The notifications from the JS console:
    ->ReferenceError: avia_globals is not defined avia-tinymce-buttons-4.js:17
    ->TypeError: this.getDoc(…) is undefined

    B) I moved a copy of the site to the server of another provider. The issue exists there to.

    C) On my second installation I changed the theme (enfold to udesign) and the editor worked without problemes in WooCommerce multilingual and also while editing a page (visual mode of WordPress-editor shows up).

    D) I’ve already contacted the WPML-Support:

    Would be great if you could find a solution ’cause I appreciate your work.


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by artes.

    Hey Fabian J.!

    So the problem seems to be with this “Woocommerce Multilingual” extension correct? You should be able to translate the products with just WPML , no other plugin or extension is required.

    When you edit your product scroll down to the bottom and there should be an option that says, “Make Products translatable”, which you can check to translate your products.



    Hi Eliott

    Option “Make Products translatable” was checked.

    You recommend me to translate the products using only the normal WPML-translation-procedure.
    WPML recommends the use of the WooCommerce-Multilingual-Plugin for translating products:

    I’m at a loss now. Just to make your point clear: Working with Enfold, Woocommerce and WPML does not require the WooCommerce Multilingual Plugin?

    Thanks for your support.



    Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.

    Best regards,

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    I tried editing one of the textblocks in your first page and it’s switching between the visual and text editors just fine, no javascript errors.

    I visited your products and tried searching for “Flaschenweine” but no products were returned. I didn’t see any javascript errors there either.

    Take a screenshot and highlight what is going on so we can get a better idea.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Elliott.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    In that case you would just need to switch to the Visual editor and continue editing. If that is the only issue then I don’t really see a need for changing it. If your sure it’s coming from the plugin and it’s absolutely necessary that the text editor opens first then you’ll need to contact the plugin authors for more info.


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    I’m not seeing the same thing in your dashboard as in your screenshots. Send me an email by clicking on the “Send E-Mail” link beneath my username and include a copy of the plugin and I’ll take a closer look on my XAMPP setup.



    Sorry for the delay.
    As far as the plugin is concerned you may download it from the wordpress repository; it’s for free:
    I would really be happy if the problem could be solved. Just have tried it again on the original site: no chance of translating products…




    I tried installing the plugin from your link but it says it requires a bunch of other plugins to run which I don’t have access to. If you can send them to me via email I can install them and take a look.

    What happens when you use the default editor for your products instead of the advanced layout editor?


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