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  • #1372411

    I have a few sites with dark backgrounds on the mini-cart dropdown. As the global setting for “strong” is black you cannot see the text on a black background. I have tried playing with the class but nothing will override the Subtotal styling. Neither can I find anything on the forum.
    In the screenshot I have turned the subtotal text to red using my debugger so you can see it but it should be white.
    SCREENSHOT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/112Z-CYxkJu4T9O1frCSGUcqfAy-cFUtB/view?usp=drivesdk

    Website: https://herbalcenter.dk

    Would really appreciate your help.


    Hey Annemarie,
    Thanks for the screenshot and the link to your site, please try this css:

    #top #header.all_colors .woocommerce-mini-cart__total strong {
    	color: #fff;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hej Mike,
    that worked perfectly, you an absolute wizard. Thank you!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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