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  • #1158574


    My product image galleries have stopped working on mobile devices such as smart phones.

    I’ve tried switching the image gallery in shop options from default to woo gallery but no luck.

    It looks fine using Chrome dev tools when previewing for different screen widths, but not on a real device. The strange thing is, the images will display in the lightbox when tapping on the blank space. for an example.

    I’m baffled.



    Hi philthebass,

    I have checked the link you posted on my android mobile phone and the image galleries worked fine on my end.
    Are you using an iphone?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    It was happening on iOS devices.
    I figured out that it’s being caused by the Javascript file merging and compression in the theme performance settings, so that’s been disabled.

    Do you know which js file(s) need to be excluded for the products gallery to work with js minification enabled?




    Hi Phil,

    I’m not really sure which one is causing the issue.
    The only way to know is to test it by excluding some js files but Enfold doesn’t have a feature yet to exclude js files.

    Best regards,

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